Muito foda quando o Shuichi fala: "eu sou o Danganronpa"

It should be a crime to write such bad action scenes like this game.

Eu poderia passar horas incontáveis ​​explicando porque este é, para mim, não apenas o melhor videogame de todos os tempos, mas uma verdadeira obra de arte. Uma história fantástica, com várias camadas e instigante, que me destruiu completamente por dentro, ao mesmo tempo que me fez sentir feliz.

I probably would have liked Fata Morgana a lot more if I was told about it as a good vn instead of the best story ever made.

This is probably the biggest disappointment with a game I've ever had in my life, a franchise so acclaimed and said to be well written and with incredible mysteries, I honestly saw none of this in this game (or almost nothing).

The first case is bad, despite being an introduction to the game should be concerned in being well written too, there are many things forced to make the case seem to be larger, and of course the killer is so obvious that it is idiotic.

The second case was one of the most badly written and idiotic things I have ever seen, it offends any mystery writer.

The third case is full of bullshit logic to try to defend the defendant who clearly is guilty, they cogitate things so dumb and illogical that anyone with more than 2 qi would realize how impossible it is and still have terrible turns (like the planting of false evidence).

The fourth case was almost decent, it has plausible logic applied, some interesting mysteries, but the way the crime occurs is so dumb and forced that it ruined the whole case for me.

The fifth case is the only decent one, it connects past plot stuff, works the characters, has interesting elements within the case, it saddens me that some twists are so predictable.

In technical issues I think the game does well, good soundtrack, captivating main characters, my biggest problem is the writing of the cases themselves. I hope the sequel won't be as bad. (Spoiler: It doesn't get better in the sequel)


All this time...I was right.
There was love!

Then all is well! I have what I wanted!

The bond that was severed...Restored! was a good dream...