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LesPaulLord is now playing 1000xResist

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LesPaulLord is now playing Viewfinder

2 days ago

LesPaulLord commented on LesPaulLord's review of Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
Well that's not untrue, but it is what it is. I've never played another Yakuza and I'd heard this one was welcoming to newbies as it's set in an entirely new setting. Half of the story with Ichiban I could get on board (even without having played Like A Dragon), and the other half with Kiryu was, logically, something I couldn't relate to. I might simply have been lead astray by the marketing.

So the game is trying to have it both ways, which works for seasoned veterans, but not for me. And I only have my point of view to give, which is that the game is impenetrable for half of its runtime !

Otherwise, the story still dragged on for way too long, fan service or no. There's so much useless running around, and that to me still makes this a very unevenly paced game.

3 days ago

LesPaulLord finished Like a Dragon: Infinite Wealth
I did it, I finished a Yakuza game.

What a blast it was to jump into this series. The amount of creativity and polish on display here is astounding.

The main problems I have are about pacing and the story. Having played no other game from the series, trying to make me care about mountains of characters from previous entries as Kiryu felt like an interminable pain. The story also feels too thin for the amount of time and running around the game asks you to do. It would have worked for a 30-50 hour game, not a 70-100 hour one.

I did have a blast and really stumbled onto something I like here, but there were enough flaws for me not to completely love "Like a Dragon : Infinite Wealth".

4 days ago

11 days ago

LesPaulLord finished Alan Wake II: Night Springs
This was cute, but not much else. It presents crazy ideas, which is what I want from such a DLC, but the gameplay really is not on par with the narrative propostion.

It's worth the detour all the same, but it's nothing truly remarkable.

13 days ago

LesPaulLord earned the Replay '14 badge

14 days ago

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