DOOM Ranked

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This is a great return to form and a great game overall. It has some aspects that I just didn't enjoy enough to put it higher but again it did revive the series back from the dead and gave it new life.
The most fun I had playing a DOOM game, the movement is so good and flying around shooting and beating enemies to death felt so fucking badass. There’s no shortage of action here and it never gets old.
A great start to a great franchise, this game fucks from start to end and there's not a dull moment. Putting it at 4th just shows how much better the series has improved on all the aspects present here.
Actually better than 2016 in my opinion, this is a great sequel to a great, unique and new game like DOOM at the time. I love every aspect, old and new in this game, but Eternal is just better.
I don't know, couldn't get into it as much as the others. I even prefer 3 over this, but it's still DOOM so even the worst in the series is a good game.
The most unique DOOM, and it kinda works in some aspects to be honest but it falls flat a lot too. I think making DOOM more horror oriented can work but this really didn’t pull it off in a special way.
A little forgettable, still had a lot of fun and I think it's great. But it fumbles in comparison to a lot of others in the franchise, I even remember 3 more than this but unlike that game overall this one is just better.


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