All I can say is: I had to "bug the bug" because I couldn't finish the game and a patch was not coming out. A wasted opportunity

My first Yoko Taro game, and I loved it!... Except the rhythm game part for Ending D, it was BRUTAL!

I hade lots of fun with Senran Kagura Burst! It had a few tecnical issues like frame rate drops, but it still is quite enjoyable... Although now we have the remake on PC and PS4 which is the better version

A real masterpiece that will be remembered in the years to come. Best game made by Remedy, highly recommended after you play the first Alan Wake!

It was TOO easy. At one point I simply got bored and left the game unfinished for years. It's a shame since I really loved the first Devil Survivor.
It is a good game, that's undeniable, but it showed Atlus' first signs about a drop in the difficulty of their games...

I had to play it for a review and it was one of the most forgettable experiences on 3DS.

I love Deadpool, but the game was a wasted opportunity. It quickly becomes boring

Still salty about the ending. We'll never get a Season Two and the game is a bit underwhelming, even though I love George R. R. Martin's books

Best Professor Layton ever made, I'm still suffering for the ending

I can summarize my experience reviewing this game by quoting Raymond Holt from Brooklyn 99: "PAIN"

This game is so much fun, with a fast-paced gameplay that is simply addictive. After finishing the first run we unlock the Endless Mode and new difficulties and rewards, granting many, MANY more hours of fun!
A hidden gem of 2024, highly recommended!

Great potential, but the plot came and went too fast, without the proper time to explore the interesting setting!

A game I really enjoyed when it came out! I think it deserved more attention and less hate since it was a good game. I disliked the dodging during combat since it was a bit clunky, but I liked the focus on close combat and the plot

I wrote on Facebook that I wanted to play it and a friend of a friend wrote me "hey I could sell it to you for 10€!"... Best 10€ spent on 2012.
You can see many elements that were reprised in Heavy Rain, Beyond: Two Souls and Detroit: Become Human. Even though it was a bit clunky with the weird QTEs, it's still a game that I enjoy replaying from time to time

I didn't like it for many reasons, the main ones being its low difficulty level and the predictable plot. The school parts were boring