68 Reviews liked by ExDj46

The open world in this game is incredible. Seeing the erdtree from a far and getting closer and closer to it then seeing Leyndell is one of the greatest gaming experience i've had. Most of the main bosses are also amazing. Fighting elden beast feels like everything you ever done is leading up to that point with the music and the amazing area.

So, how do I best start this review.
First off, I can simply say Red Dead Redemption 2 is a terrific game.
The characters are well written, the open world is just beautiful (so people who love open world games as much as I do will love this one) and the story has one of the most heartbreaking endings I've ever seen.
I can understand if the beginning comes across as extremely boring in the snowy mountains, but you just have to give the game time.
And from the point where you can explore the open world for the first time, it's just a great feeling. There's so much to discover and so many side quests. I didn't get bored at any point.
And a big pro also goes to the main character Arthur Morgan. He is one of the most interesting protagonists I have ever played in a game.
I never really liked GTA, but this game in the style of the Wild West really convinced me.
I'm even thinking of taking a look at the online mode, which is also supposed to be pretty good.

For the fact that the story mode of Red Dead Redemption 2 is just so uniquely good, the online mode is a total failure.
It is set on the same map as the main game, but it is not as much fun to explore as it is in the main game.
The story that was made for the online game is just boring and you can tell that this game world is dying because you hardly see any other players.
Maybe the makers should have put a little more into it.

i think it's kind of jarring how it switches from a 2d game in risk of rain 1 to a 3d game in risk of rain 2. in my opinion this switch actually helps the game and it makes it more fun to traverse the environments and it adds a new layer of depth to them as well. the same gameplay loop applies to this game but with added resources such as the recycling machines that allow you to have more control over your build.

Fun and addicting game ultimately ruined by severe balance issues. Some characters and items are way stronger than others. In a lot of runs you simply run up against threats that one shot you or do unavoidable AoE attacks. There are too many extremely situational or straight up useless items, making too many runs a bummer. A lot of stuff like that. It's a cool game, and I spent quite a lot of hours on it, but ultimately I don't feel like I became better at it. Imo good roguelites should give you an option to succeed on any run by adapting and using the tools you are given. RoR is just about rolling the dice against a very cool psychedelic sci-fi environment, unfortunately.

I put so many hours into this game, played it every single day and enjoyed it a lot. But then I missed a day and felt so guilty about it that I never played again. Now I'm scared to go back

Extinction is still underrated.

That was a call of duty alright

Press L2 to dog

turnip boy commits sexual assault

this game made me rethink my entire life