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This is probably Sawyer's Magnum Opus. His own Disco Elysium where he gets to indulge being a huge History/Theology nerd. It's not the best mystery but its a pretty strong drama. Witnessing families develop within time was my favorite aspect with this game.

To the really annoying people that didn't like the "murderer reveal" in Disco. You know what's worse? Going through ACT 2 of this game and knowing without a doubt in your mind who did it and having to go through the game's song and dance. Not involving the culprit of course when.. THEY ARE STANDING RIGHT FUCKING THERE!
Anyways that aside. ACT 3 is my favorite.

I don't got much else to say. You should probably play it.

I forgot to add this important note. This game inspired me to get into Crusader Kings because I will declare war against Catholicism

Holy shit this game will continue to be shredded by entropy. What an experience to replay this game after finishing Pentiment, to see how far Josh Sawyer has come as a writer/director. This game continues to age like fucking milk, dude. Like GOD DAMN. Where do I fucking start? Of course, this was the best game ever to me when I was just a dumb teen but now that I'm older.. There are so many holes in this world. A lot of the ideas here really come off half baked, especially any philosophical and political idea. I would say that it's mostly just the fault of Fallout as a world/franchise but I think I would argue that the original fallouts handle this more maturely than a lot that's offered here.

Anyways let me list a few thoughts.

Diplomacy is a joke in this game. It is hilarious that this shares the same franchise with the first Fallout that has one of the best uses of diplomacy in games, crazy how far this series has fallen.. Especially everything after this game.

The combat still sucks. It did back then, still does. Funny note: My last playthrough I installed a mod that made headshots lethal. That made the combat really enjoyable, I have to admit that. Although it somehow made Dead Money hilariously more unplayable than before.

Honest Hearts. I don't need to say anymore, why should I? If you go on the wiki (fandom or whatever) it's littered with quoted apologies from Sawyer. Which is really funny btw.


The Karma system still makes no sense.

The best piece of writing in this game was Dead Money and it's still trapped in the most hostile and unplayable world (oh my god there were so many CTD errors..) Even though the characters felt like they came straight out of someone's World of Darkness tabletop chronicle, they got more thought put into than eh- ballparking it here- 90% rest of the characters in this game. Dean Domino is a likable scumbag. Christine is just a likable person to talk to, kinda ironic, and DOG is GOD. Oh yeah and Elijah is the best antagonist in this game. Doesn't even come close.

What else is there to say about this game?

Never take off Boone's hat. Leave the guy alone.

I said there was only two video games that were worth playing. This proves me wrong, obviously. Especially if you're looking to experience more paranoid psychosis than what you already experience in your personal life.

Made an account on this REALLY dumb website to say that there are two video games worth playing. This is the second one.

Made an account in this dumb website just to say that there are two video games worth playing, this is one of them.

Also fuck ZA/UM btw.