Release the second game NOW.

The stacking and destacking is a really nice touch. Back when I first heard about this I thought it was dumb but when playing it, it honestly works. So many different teams you can build.

I like how the classic Final Fantasy monsters evolve like pokemon. I just have to give this game extra points for including Bismarck bc people forget about my boy!! The previous FF character cameo's are really neat to see and the music for this game could not be better. Cute story too!

As much as I love Final Fantasy, this is my least favorite game in the series.

I don't vibe with any of the characters, I'm not really interested in the world or the story. The music is okay. I'm not saying this is a bad game AT all (if it were there's no way in hell people would love it as much as they do) But I simply just could not get into this game at all.

I'd recommend it to people tho because I know it's a good game I just have weird tastes...

I love da boys. I wish they could be happy FOREVER

The combat is fun, the story is a little crazy but good, the ending made me want to die. I know people don't enjoy this game much but to me it feels.... homey. Idk how to explain it but this world and characters is one of my favorites in the series. The open world of this game also doesn't annoy me as much as a nearly empty open world game would. I really just like spending time with these characters and mayhaps that is why I don't mind the OW.

Plus the soundtrack is GODLY.

Never played the DLC's all the way through but I can only imagine that those would improve the story building in stuff.

+ 10 points because I love Ignis and think he's neat.

0/10 too much water

Has a slow start but ramps up really fast. The world they live in is fucked up but so beautiful at the same time. Twist's and turns that you don't really see coming. Characters are very fleshed out and of course the music is beautiful and classic.

+1000000 points because Yojimbo is cool as fuck in this game

(as for X-2 I never completed it all the way through .....)


One of the best in the FF series IMO. The art style still holds up to this DAY. I think is one of the weakest cast of characters, but even then they are all still likeable even if you don't know too much about them. Music of course, is 10/10.

0/10 - Tauros was not in this game.

One of my favorite Pokemon games ever. I love how you can throw your mon's out and battle in the overworld.
The artstyle
and setting for this game is also a nice change of pace. I really enjoyed how this game feels a little more challenging that other pokemon games.

Also has one of the hardest boss battles in pokemon history so a round of applause for that. OH and the shiny hunting is pretty rewarding so +10 points for that

100000/10 - Tauros is IN THIS GAME!

Personally I loved my time with this game.

I think my favorite thing is how detailed the Pokémon models are. The game's numerous tracks that just go so hard.

I agree that the uh.... technical issues plaguing this game still even today kinda ruins the experience, but I kinda felt myself just gradually getting used to the framerates being ass. Otherwise the story was one of the best in the series!

I liked the new pokemon and OH MY GOD HOW CAN I FORGET, the gave Tauros three new forms? Literally the best game ever to grace the entire human race. You give my forgotten boy Tauros new shit? I'll buy ten copies of the game

You'd think with them reusing the map from the old game it would be kinda dull and boring. Nope.

I think it was different enough that nothing really felt the same. The boss fights for this game is improved ten times over BOTW. Music is beautiful, as per usual for a TLOZ game. I also like the story line for Zelda in this. Ending made me cry and think about life fr

For a 17 year old game, it holds up really well (even if you aren't playing the LE)

The start to one of my favorite game franchises ever.

+10 points because they invented Garrus in this game.

I laughed, I cried, I screamed and I shitted

masterpiece of a game, the music is too good. well written characters... mostly (coughjacobcough) the story is insane and even though its EVIL and CRUEL I think it's pretty cool how some decisions REALLY end up affected the end game (<person who got people killed and was so mad bc of that)

I know the game is shit to alot of people, or at least the ending but I found myself really enjoying the story. If you play through all the games the ending is (mostly) rewarding and tear jerking. Yeah it's not the ideal ending (depending on what you picked) but I really don't think its as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

10/10 - bc garrus...

Let me get this out of the way first - the open world SUCKS. Barren and boring. Animations could be a little better esp for a 2017 game, but I'm not really one to care about that sort of stuff in my game anyways so eh.

But I think most the characters and story really outshine that part of the game. The combat is improved from any of the other games in the series. The new alien species they introduced was refreshing and a good fit for the world of ME.

10/10 bc of Vetra my beloved...

why did they make the ending like that. evil

only getting 3 1/2 stars because the grinding you have to do towards the end of the game is insane. I played just up to the ending where you have to go and re-take over all the keeps and shit you just spent the ENTIRE game doing. stupid stupid backtracking, so stupid that I just put the game down and looked up the ending on youtube. TEN times easier and less time consuming.

Another stain on this game is the microtransactions they had at launch. They took that away a few years ago but even then... I still remember.

The story on the other hand is very interesting and I think its a cool little addition to the world of LOTR. The nemesis system is fantastic, and there are so many different orcs you could get its NEVERENDING.

5 stars because fade and deadlock are hot as hell and i want them