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First Telltale game and wow this is what they're all about. I still regret not being able to save the one character.

This story is fun, the tv cop tone was great. It deserves recognition off that alone, last fun-tone Battlefield that came out and I think they deserve a comeback

Played a lil multiplayer, it was Battlefield, but did have different mechanics I didn't really wanna learn. It felt floatier movement wise but playing after BF1 this was an evolution of gameplay that I'm grateful for.

Everything's fleshed out, combat is tough but fair and easier to understand. Great story that elevates the stakes compared to the first.

Its a fun game, doesn't fit the series but I don't really care. I spent a lot of time with this. Shoutout BJs this game was cheap af, I'm still proud of that deal. But it was plain interesting, you feel like a badass, the characters are cool, the challenges added tons of replay value.

You can say this is a prime example of series that tried the mid-2010 game trends, but that adds class.

The things this game makes me feel. Pure happiness. What a fucking story. I cried man. Sense of pride cause you beat the game and you're Spider-Man. It just works, I've watched hours of video essays is how much I love this game.

DLC could've been better but that second one is goated

Core memory: going to GameStop the moment it opened along with anyone else who preordered that or 2k and playing 3 days straight

Surprisingly great, came with X1 and had me hooked

Got all the achievements on Windows, go figure

Captivating story, fantastic presentation, atmosphere on 11

4's solid, 3s the best

tbh I need the DLC to really determine that but I don't wanna play it again

time wise in a weird way the calm before the storm if you superstitious like that

Love this game so much I got all the achievements on a mf Windows Phone

One of my first 100% achievements, my equivalent to Spider-Man 2 growing up

Surprisingly endearing, great Christmas memories sippin a Coke Vanilla in a chilly ass room. Unfortunately content is blocked by figures but at least they're cheap now.

Wow. Really gotta play the second one.