The things this game makes me feel. Pure happiness. What a fucking story. I cried man. Sense of pride cause you beat the game and you're Spider-Man. It just works, I've watched hours of video essays is how much I love this game.

DLC could've been better but that second one is goated

Core memory: going to GameStop the moment it opened along with anyone else who preordered that or 2k and playing 3 days straight

Its a fun game, doesn't fit the series but I don't really care. I spent a lot of time with this. Shoutout BJs this game was cheap af, I'm still proud of that deal. But it was plain interesting, you feel like a badass, the characters are cool, the challenges added tons of replay value.

You can say this is a prime example of series that tried the mid-2010 game trends, but that adds class.

Second playthrough, but still fun and promising. 2 is way better but this had a good foundation. I buy the characters, they can be corny, but I buy it and it builds up the world. Crazy final boss kill that was just nasty goddamn.

This story is fun, the tv cop tone was great. It deserves recognition off that alone, last fun-tone Battlefield that came out and I think they deserve a comeback

Played a lil multiplayer, it was Battlefield, but did have different mechanics I didn't really wanna learn. It felt floatier movement wise but playing after BF1 this was an evolution of gameplay that I'm grateful for.

First Telltale game and wow this is what they're all about. I still regret not being able to save the one character.

I'm so happy I played this again. This game rivals GTA but evens it out with action. The escape level is one of my favorite levels of all time. This series deserved more!

I will always have a soft spot in my heart for this game. I played this so much, got all the achievements, it was just bliss. The third person shooter levels were so fun!

I bought this for $15 expecting it to be an alright game with friends, tell the GameStop guy nah I don't wanna pre-order BF1

Long story short, this is my fucking shit. BF mobile companion? Lemme be the commander. Fuck homework, my team needs to get these damn flags cause Charlie squad can't play the fucking game. You don't have a mic? LEMME BE THE SQUAD LEADER, we WILL be the top of the motherfucking board.


The reason I got an Xbox One. This game is so unique, the traversal works and is comfortable which I really had doubts about, when you master that and weapon switching the game clicks. Comedy as fun and the soundtrack was great. This game has style and is my favorite X1 exclusive.

Perfect timer in this game, Dead Rising 2 is too hard for me, this gave me everything I expected from a DR game.

Love the combo vehicles, great Xbox One launch title that deserves respect, awesome map. On my Mount Rushmore of those early X1 games.

The Flapmaster achievement gave me the proper closure of Flappy Bird dying

finally got through that final level

Great premise, delivered on that classic flash demo. Tricky as hell, I'll get a VR just for this. Indie game Hall of Famer.

Played this game way more than it deserved only cuz repetitiveness really drags it down. The story was strong enough to keep me going, and I got the ending I wanted.


Probably my favorite in the series, would play again one day

dated to an extent but can still be appreciated, perfect for playing in a dorm