This game, like those before it really excels in its grandiose level and enemy design, weapon and armor customisation and art style, but what sets it apart from DS1 and 2 is its approach to a faster and more rewarding combat system, attributed no doubt to the success of my precious Bloodborne, which I still hold as my favourite From Soft game thus far

Was a mad time fighting Slave Knight Gael who is the toughest boss i have probably fought in any game ever, with around 8-10 hours of attempts to beat, but my god the dopamine rush I got was unreal

I am very excited to play either Sekiro or Elden Ring next whilst still avoiding the shitshow that is DS2

Jesus Mary Mother of Christ the AI in this is actually repugnant to play against and my god would it have killed them to include a gun butt option for when the enemies inevitably swarm you


Combat sucks ass, exploration is where the game shines but it can feel limiting if you struggle to grasp the games main gimmick, oh and did I mention the combat sucks ass

Very smooth controls, however a crap upgrading system and some annoying difficulty spikes

Vaulting is quite honestly the best thing in this, not because anything else is bad, its just vaulting is sick asf

Missed potential on the plane in the final level, minute cycles at a time waiting for that sucked