I have so much to say but will keep it short. Campaign is straight up trash. Multiplayer is pretty good and the zombies mode is perfect. The best zombies mode in a call of duty.

Decent but the art style is changed and it's a little worse than the original.

I know at launch it had problems but I didn't play it back then. Now its a masterpiece with Halo 1-4 and odst and reach.

Really nice gunplay and the way the game is set up. Not my personal preference but it's still a good game.

Tried to play this just to see what it was like and it was really boring. I know this game is like a joke but it's still trash

Gameplay/gunplay is literally perfect but it needs more content.

Shitty story/campaign. I don't care about the world and the multiplayer kinda sucks but the pve is really good and the gameplay is fantastic.

Not as bad as I remembered but still not the best. Gameplay isn't that good and feels like cod but the cortana-chief story was great. Multiplayer was ok.

Great Halo game with a great campaign and multiplayer.

Masterpiece. Nothing more to say.

Masterpiece and a great end to the trilogy. The multiplayer is probably the best in the series until Halo Infinite.

I have put a lot of hours into this game and while it's had its ups and downs over the years it's still a great game with great gameplay.

It's really good but needs more content.


Fantastic gameplay with great enemy variety and satisfying kills. The level design is also great. The music is honestly perfect and my only complaint with the game is the story is fine and serviceable.

Pretty good characters and world building however the repair system could have been better and the performance could have been better. Also combat could have been a little bit better.