I remember this not being amazing but I have a strange amount of nostalgia for this for some reason

Added Waluigi stadium and thats all that matters

Not a terrible start, it had coconut mall which was a stand out. Good thing most packs are better

Pretty cool for what it is. Nightwing boss fight is cool. Not bad DLC

The season started off iffy but redeemed itself as it went on. Battle pass was good besides the tier 100. Event was pretty cool. Still within fortnites peak

Goated for having Wuhu island back. simple gameplay but fun to sit and play for a while

I played the scuffed quest 2 version and heard some unspeakable things during a game. Needless to say I stick more to solo vr games now

You know when the teacher brings this out its gonna be a good lesson. One time a guy named himself Mike Hunt and got the sub teacher to say it and got sent to the heads office.

If i remember correctly this is the bait one that isn't an actual game. pretty funny.

This is were fortnite peaked and unfortunately it slowly went downhill ever since. Battle pass was elite and the season as a whole was great. Peak gaming back in 2018

100% the best vr boxing game. The most realistic to normal boxing without getting punched in the face for real. Its a great work out aswell, do 5 rounds of this a day and you will drop calories in no time

The best way to play the Ezio game nowadays on console. 2 and Revilations are great but personally I really didn't like brotherhood that much. Remaster is pretty good and it includes these like movie things that show Ezio when he's old which are pretty good. Definitly worth it

The combat in this game is fucking brutal the combination you can do make the opposite player ragdoll all over the place. The one I've played the least of due to the difference in controls. Pretty fun though.

I swear it was free when it first came out cause I remember playing it but there no way I spend £12 on it. I remember the first couple levels being alright nothing amazing. dropped it shortly after

Good port of the N64 classic. I liked the flying sections