I had to of lost hella weight playing this game when I was a kid I was so good at the sprinting game. Better than the Beijing one and probably should of been the last one they made

Really good remaster of two goated games. Doesnt add anything new outside of that but it includes all the Arkham city DLC which is nice. Stars are for the games themselves not the remaster

This would of been so much better if they did a whole pixar lego game instead of just 1 movie

I play this very regularly and have a blast with it. Despite its problems its a really fun fighting game. Career is a one and done type thing there's nothing special there. Online mode is absolute cheeks as the matchmaking is atrocious. Baring in mind I am dogshit at this game, I can beat the CPU's with ease but any half decent online player would kick my ass but I have fun beating up computer versions of my favorite UFC fighters

Really weird game but i remember running around my gran's house shooting photos of myself and I had quite a good time

most random game to ever exist. Played a fair bit of it and even bought the damn crossbow gun wii accessory thing.

I like it a lot, even though its the same WW2 era at least its in a different environment


If you like spawning in the middle of nowhere with no fucking idea where to go and either starving to death or getting killed by some sweaty guy that has been on the game for 20 hours straight. This is the game for you. Honestly, if they just added a damn map and even if you do google the online map all the street signs are in fucking Russian so your fucked either way. I know that this is the entire point of the game, to be the ultimate survivor simulator but this is one of the least accommodating games for new players

After googling the set list it looks pretty cool. I remember nothing of this game but I know I have it

The original mario maker. I forgot this game existed until i seen it here and now all the memories of making games on this are flooding back

Pretty sure this was the one i played the least so I don't remember any of the songs. All in all every guitar hero is the same with different songs

If you love cars this is got to be one of the best racing games out there. Theres loads of races and the graphics are surprisingly good. I however don't care about cars

I remember loving it as a kid but I'm convinced that it is purely nostalgia I've looked back on footage recently and idk how I had the patience to play it

Dont play this play the forest instead

This is a great timewaster that you can mod the absolute hell out of. Super fun to just screw around building deathtraps. It may make you question your sanity once you are done playing