Im glad i never paid full price for this and got it with the switch port. For what it is its pretty much a hard mode for Mario U. I like playing as Luigi but this game isn't really worth an extra 20

I got this on the Wii U shortly before I got my ps4 so I never completed it. Next time its on sale I will most likely get it because I've always wanted to complete it.

The DLC compliments the came quite well. The 1st episode is probably the best one. I really like the stuff with yuri and how she starts being all vigilante like. The hammerhead boss fight was goofy as hell especially when he turns into a damn transformer. The suits were pretty good from what I remember. Solid DLC

One of the best online games at its peak. After nearly 10 years you can tell that its fallen off a fair bit. Public sessions are a no go if you want to try and make money. Grinding the same heists gets a bit boring after a while and eventually once you have bought everything you want money becomes useless. However you cant deny that we all have great memories on this game.

One of the more underrated lego games. The story isn't half bad and there is a great character selection. It also has some of the best character customization in any lego game.

Good mindless fun for a couple hours

I want to revisit it now that I'm older but when I was a kid I never really liked this one for some reason.

On the whole this is one of the greatest gaming franchises of all time. Each seasons is great especially when played within close proximity to each other. This collection makes the necessary graphical improvements to the first and second game and adds a fair amount of new content to warrant buying this collection instead of separately. It even includes the Michonne DLC. 100% worth a buy

I think this franchise needs to desperatly step away from WW2 because each game has been about it and its in dire need of some new content. This game was fun from what I remember but I also remember it being really difficult idk if that was just me. I really liked the 3rd game so I was excited to play this but I don't think I finished it

I dont know why i bought this having not seen any of the movies at the time. I might revisit it sometime in the future

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The campaign is really good but controversially I actually think its the worst one of the original 3 modern warfare. Of course it has iconic missions like the burger town one and of course no russian. The characters are great to and shepards betrayal will never not hurt. Good gun variety and each mission is entertaining.

Probably the game ive played the least of in the franchise. The relaxing nature of these games don't really work with a wii remote and on the big screen they seem to fit more handheld style.

I dont really remember liking this one very much

The DLC as a whole is forgettable but the bike carries so hard that thing is so useful trying to get all the damn korok seeds

Pretty fun sandbox style game just to mess around in for a while. Mod menu is a good addition and modding helps keep the game fresh.