A much better way to play the original game. The squashed screen is a bit annoying at times but it improves a lot of problems the original had

Decent levels and a pretty good character selection. Forgettable overall however

Has everything bad about 8 and 9 and then some. The bowser mode was so hilariously broken im surprised it passed play testing. Mario party at its lowest

Worst COD in recent memory, i wouldnt have a problem calling it the worst of all of them. The 1 star is for the campaign only which isn't even that great it has like 9 missions and 2 are memorable. Multiplayer is mid as hell and the zombies was atrocious.

Overshadowed by hit and run a lot but still really good. Deserves a remaster as much as hit and run does

I remember liking it for the part I played but this was when the Wii U was dying off and I stopped playing it. I don't see myself going back to it but from what I've seen of the rest of the game its sticker star with paint.

Way better than the NES game. Those last two guys took me forever to beat when I was younger. Dunno why little mac is blonde in this one.

I was never a huge fan of pocket edition because I had Minecraft on my xbox and laptop so I never really played it much plus the controls are really janky

Really fun portable sports game. I used to be so good at this

Its pretty much the same as the original with star wars skins. I remember it fondly but looking back its kinda just a reskin

Great way to play the game and DLC's all in one. Since GTA IV is fantastic, The DLC's help fill the gaps in the story really well. We really don't get DLC like this anymore

I played most of it at my friend's house and when I got my Quest 2 I bought it and played it all again. The game is terrifying to say the least. The models are fantastic and there is a great variety of levels to play. For what there is the story is ok but this is where I stop paying attention to the lore really

I played it once but cant remember it

Very forgettable minigames. Im not a huge fan of the car style boards and preferred it when each person moved individually.

Great Demo for the new controller with fun little references to PS exclusives.