Great OG game. Played a long time ago so I don't remember much of it

Pretty good port as the game isn't really as accessible anymore. From what I played I enjoyed. Will most likely go back to it eventually

Pretty fun combat and parkour, the whole 1 hit kill thing is a novel concept but gets a bit irritating if your trying to get the hang of the traversal. I will probably go back to it eventually

The fact after having two of the best games in the franchise with decent protagonists they just make this one silent infuriates me. Besides things like COD, games with silent protagonists really put me off. I am intrigued by the story of this one though. I will definitely go back to finish it at some point

I dropped it after the first couple hours. Just didn't click with me I guess. Doubt I will go back to it

Improves a lot on mario kart 8 and adds a fair amount of new content. These new DLC packs are pretty good and arent just blatant cash grabs. Great fun with friends and online. I just hope people stop buying it so we can finally get a new game

Whilst I played the game on 3DS, The N64 version is goated in its own right. This game has the best story and setting in any Zelda game. The depressing atmosphere is so enthralling. The timekeeping is stressful trying to fit exactly what you need to do into the frame provided. The masks are a great collectible item. My favorite zelda game without a doubt

Played this with my friends just the other day and had such a laugh. Great fun with your friends. Quiplash is the stand out of this pack while the others are fun Quiplash gets the biggest laugh. This makes me want to try out other packs but they are a bit overpriced

A really fun and fitting send off the the original Fnaf franchise. Completing 40/20 was one of my best accomplishments because there as no chance in hell I was dealing with the RNG mess of some of those characters. I guess that's one complaint, Characters like Toy freddy and foxy are really RNG based and can ruin a run through just bad luck. Great fun though and its free

Great set list but not as iconic as guitar hero 3 but it does have Hotel California which is a banger. Not a bad game to play with you friends for a laugh.

A neat little DLC with a band of entertaining characters. Its cool that how many people go with the woman at the end are seen in season 2 during the carver section.

The 4 star review is for the story only. This is a great follow up from the 1st game. Vito and Joe are both amazing characters and the villains are all really good to. The world feels very lived in and throughout the different years we see different styles of cars and clothing. However the gameplay especially the shooting is extremely dated. Also I experienced multiple bugs and glitches throughout the game. This game needed the Mafia 1 remake treatment.

Great art style with unique level design never got round to completing it but definitely want to some day

Nostalgic as hell. Since bedrock edition sucks this is the definitive console Minecraft. So many memories playing this.