50 reviews liked by Fleeticus

"hold the point until help arrives"

There is absolutely not enough I can say about Persona 3. Loved every part of this game from beginning to end. Persona 3 specifically holds a special place in my heart as it was my very first exposure to this series. Saw a friend play it and thought it looked interesting so I picked up Persona 5. Been a huge fan of this series since then. Everything in Reload is exactly what I wanted out of a remake for this game. Incredible presentation, outstanding music, and unforgettable characters that I will hold close to my heart for as long as I remember. I love Persona.

I didn't play in the Beta, so I can't attest to whether it was better or worse back then, but the game is alright.

It does have some server/performance hiccups at the moment. I wish the game was like about 10-15% faster, but people saying it's "Brawl" slow are crazy.

Just hope they listen to the feedback they're being given, 'cause there's something special here with this game.

Man. Fuck off. How do you take a game away, try and get all the hype for it and then finally release its and its full of unnecessary bullshit.
All these unnecessary currencies
Menues that hate themselve
Boring ass new game mode that feels like a chore to play.
Some characters still feeling as corny as they were in the "beta"
Yeah okay.

Nice trip down memory lane. I can appreciate how weird and unique this game is compared to other Mario games. I like the different locations, new enemies and music. Game controls a bit weirdly but that's to be expected on a game that came out over 30 years ago on the Game Boy.

Consistently the worst level design in a sonic game, coupled with a dumb pair up mechanic that adds nothing and dimps physics. The "3" in the name refers to how many acts you'll play before you want to kill yourself.

Man this game was amazing. I don't know much about the survival horror genre since I've never really dabbled in them much, but this game was perfect. An amazing game with an amazing story to tell. The atmosphere is outstanding. The music is great. The way no enemies or hazards are introduced to you are damn near chilling. Walking down a familiar area to be met with an unfamiliar face got me every single time.
The creatures are so grotesque and even though I feel like I should be putting them out of their misery, there were just time I'd let them do their own thing.
My favorite thing about this game had to be reading all the lore and in my head i'm telling myself that these characters in the notes are all dead.
Meeting the big three "villains" and seeing that their scheme has just as bad for them as it has for everyone else was amazing.
The regret was perfect.
Piecing everything together in my head and getting to the end of the game and being able to say "I fucking knew it" was amazing.

This was a DAMN GOOD ONE

Wow. I really enjoyed this game, the characters, the weapons, the story. Idunno why this one clicked with me so hard, but definitely glad i sat my ass down and give it a try.

2 lists liked by Fleeticus