This game is pretty alright. You've honestly seen everything after doing 1 or 2 runs. Otherwise, it's just different environments. It's kinda fun tho, even tho it's dumb simple, it's enjoyable to mindlessly fly down hill with something in the background. If they do a second game and expand on all of this they'd really have something tbh.

This game. It's a conflicting one. It feels like a Stalker game, while also kinda not feeling like a Stalker game. It's weird. The Stalker vibes are there for sure. Game is just as immersive and almost as interesting to walk around in as SoC, although there feels like less of a reason to roam around in this one, more on that later. The story was interesting, I enjoy Stalker lore. I also think this game is a lot prettier than SoC but maybe I'm buggin'. This game, as a sequel (prequel) should, improves on some things and adds some things I liked, like repairing weapons and upgrading them, as well as suits. Visuals as I stated before and animations are improved. The whole faction war thing they had going on was interesting, and cool in concept, but in action it was kinda pointless and barely worked anyway. Which, I gotta say, this game feels a lot less polished than SoC. Decent amount of bugs, glitches and just odd occurrences. The most frequent that everyone will probably experience is the stashes bugging out. The implementation of the bleeding mechanic is pretty annoying, sometimes you just randomly have to use more than one bandage, and honestly I should never have to use more than 1 blue medkit to stop bleeding. Constantly running out of bandages due to getting blown on and I started bleeding and carrying on, meanwhile the enemies will literally eat shots to the head and grenades at their feet without a care. Also a big fan of my bullets just doing whatever they want when they exit the barrel. The amount of times I've been perfectly lined up for headshots and the bullets quite literally go everywhere else is insanely infuriating. Almost as infuriating as the constant grenade spam from literally any human enemy. Not sure why they removed the need to eat and drink, I enjoy that stuff. Wish I had to sleep too tbh. This game feels ALOT more linear than SoC, like there's random side missions from some people but from my experience they were literally damn near all the same. "Find the Trophy AK". There's also the faction stuff, but again, it barely functions. There's no draw or pull to do anything else but main missions. I'd grab stashes just to get my money and gear up, cuz again, side stuff was super lacking imo. Hell, I barely even saw any artifacts in the wild, I think I only found one. I also liked SoC PDA overall more. This one feels like its only use is a map. Idk, I'd never play this again tbh, whereas I'd gladly replay SoC (I mean, I did), and honestly I'd not recommend it to anyone either unless you're really desperate for more official Stalker lore. That said, I still kinda enjoyed my time with this, cuz it is still Stalker at its core, and I do love some Stalker man.

A fantastic experience, enjoyed it all the way through. Loved the visuals immensely, this game is such a delight to look at, which is funny considering how terrifying some of the enemies are, which the enemy design in this game is great. I also loved the music and ambient tracks. The gameplay feels great and I enjoyed all the puzzles, and finding all the secrets. All the weapons feel good to use too. Very much enjoyed the story, and reading through everything to piece together what was going on. Game is actually unsettling and got me a few times with the scares. My only complaint is the length and that's only because I want more, it's fine for what it is. That said I hope we get more of this from this dev, whether it be a sequel, another horror, or just a game in this visual style, I need it. Love this game.

Super enjoyable experience. I really love the STALKER series, and these types of games in general so this is just right up my alley. I could honestly play this forever just doing missions getting money, and gear, it's a very enjoyable gameloop to me. Not to mention the vibe of STALKER and how immersive and alive the world feels, which only sucks you in more. I enjoy the story, and it's cool there's multiple endings, my first playthrough I got the Greed ending, this time I got the true ending. W game, W series, looking forward to trying the others, as those will be first time playthroughs. Even with something like Anomaly existing I still find it enjoyable and worth it to come back to these ones.

Eh. It's cool in concept I guess, but this one didn't hit the mark for me. Not a fan of having to play the same level multiple times just to progress. The other trails just essentially being different paths is kinda lame. The bike controls pretty jank at times, and that coupled with the camera can be frustrating. This might click for some, but personally I'd rather play something like Descenders.

They took this game off the market to monetize the fuck out of it, make it function less, add some of the worst stages I've ever seen in my life, and not change anything about some of the most bullshit characters in the game. How the fuck were you testing ranked all throughout the first release but then it's STILL not here at launch. How do you take away game modes to add the most bullshit mobile game ass fuckery I've ever seen? Player First, I hope you crash and burn, you and WB.

At least the character interactions are cool, and I like some of these characters ig.

Talk about a fall off. Definitely a decline in quality on all fronts hidden behind wack ass Mario mini games and an unnecessary hub world that only exists so they could use chao. More of the same shitty bottomless pits and hail mary level design. Every zone after the first 2 are awful. Every boss sucks, special stages suck, couldn't fight the true final boss cuz it wouldn't work, but it probably sucks. The team shit exists. I didn't use anyone as partner besides Tails, his abilities were okay. I'd rather just have my air dash, as Sonic. Biggest issue is all the sauce they added in 2, they just eviscerated lol, like all of it. Pretty funny. I see why we never got another after this, but it's unfortunate cuz 2 was really on the right track.

A true classic. Really insane how much Neversoft cooked with this first game. Just as enjoyable as its remake imo. Very easy to see how this game captivated so many people, whether they were into skating or not. Only issue honestly, and this may be a skill thing tbh, is I feel like transfer are pretty inconsistent. Most times I tried to intentionally do one it wouldn't work, but I'd do it on accident flawlessly other times. Idk. Amazing game regardless.

More Sonic Advance, but better. Although there's a lot more hail Mary bottomless pits in this one, which I wasn't a fan of, and I didn't like any of the bosses, aside from the last one. Special stages are way better here as well, actually playable, but I did just cheat again, cuz I wasn't about to playthrough and get emeralds with all characters. Above all else though, this game has more sauce, sprite work is great as always, the cutscenes were cool too. I also like the way they did end goals, and you really feel the speed in this one, especially with the afterimages. Trick system is dope too, although I didn't realize it existed until the last zone lol. Pretty solid game, really enjoying running through these.

This is one of those video game, video games for sure. Dumb fun. Very dumb. Reminds me of like a, God of War (2018) lite. Levels are very linear with "secrets" and exploration usually consisting of blowing up a wall or walking around a corner. Story exists, not bad, not great. Dialogue is pretty eh though lmao. Game is great to look at. Where it shines is the combat. That's very fun, with you constantly getting new abilities, gear, and upgrades to use. You'd think it'd get overwhelming or there'd be stuff you just don't use, but that wasn't the case for me. Game is pretty much a mediocre story that pushes you from combat encounter to combat encounter, but I enjoyed combat so much that it wasn't an issue in my case.

It's solid for what was the first of "2000s" ("modern" at the time) 2D Sonic on GB. The first few zones I really enjoy. Ice Mountain is okay, but water is always annoying in 2D Sonic games. Angel Island is also cool, but it is the intro of bottomless pits, which suck, not too bad in this zone tho. Egg Rocket, however, has a lot. Too much. If I wasn't save stating I could see this stage driving someone crazy. The boss for this one sucks as well imo. The other bosses are fine, the "final" final boss is also pretty eh. Special stages are cool in concept but awful in execution. Even with save states that'd be hell to do legit, which is why I didn't. Overall this is an okay experience, not a bad start for what they were going for here. Always love this sprite style for Sonic, and there's some decent tunes here too. Worth a playthrough with your preferred character for sure, anything beyond that.. Idk.

Man. A game with such promise, but such bullshit surrounding it. It was a fun time with friends, at least to start. Feel like every time I hop on this game there's some sort of match making issue. Gameplay is fun, but it gets repetitive, and the higher difficulties are just unfun, bullshit. Then there's the bullshit that Sony is pulling right now with Steam. Oh well.

Wow. The only enjoyable thing about this game is the dismemberment, and even that is very basic, I also like the visuals. Otherwise, this game blows. The weapons aren't interesting at all, and enemies are bullet sponges that do way too much damage. Bosses are terrible, some of the worst boomer shooter bosses I've experienced. Levels are confusing even with a map due to half the time you can't tell what is or isn't interactable, and you're constantly fighting too many enemies in too small of rooms or hallways. There's a few instant death things that without prior knowledge you'd have no clue about, and this is a classic boomy shooty so unless you were saving get ready to start the whole level over. The locations were all bland and unmemorable, just like the games ost. Game is also very short for its price, although I got it on sale, thank god. Terrible game, terrible experience. I wouldn't recommend unless for some reason this is the last fps on Earth you need to play, even then just replay one of your favs. Fuck this game.

Decent roguelite, plays like a platform fighter which is a pretty cool concept. This game nearly hits that mark, but misses it due to inconsistency. I constantly feel like I'm getting hit when I shouldn't. I get it for the bosses but the normal/elite enemies constantly breaking out of my stuns right as they're in my face is so infuriating. They shouldn't break out at all fuck them, they're normal AI enemies, let me shit on them if I have the skill to. I'd say same for the bosses, but I get it for them at least. All the pickups besides moves, and things that affect stuff like health or movement speed, feel like the do nothing imo. I would stack damage increases and still feel like I'm doing no damage. Some of the metaprogression is useful, some of it you'll just pick to get to the options further in. Art style is great, music is solid enough that I never muted it to listen to my own. SFX are nice and meaty too. The gameplay itself is actually pretty solid (when it wants to be) which is why my rating is still a bit high despite all my issues with the game, it satisfices my urge to play a platform fighter a bit. A lot of this is pretty fixable imo. Maybe one day they will, prolly not tho.

A very solid experience. This game does a lot right for me in a way I'm not sure I can explain, other than saying it was a vibe. I enjoy pretty much everything about Fallout, and I find that I really enjoy Bethesda's rpgs. They just hit for me. Maybe it's the scrounging up of loot and slight survival aspects, because full survival modes in their rpgs has always appealed to me. In my opinion this game looks pretty solid, especially on the Series X with the fps boost. My issues with this game are pretty minor, I suppose. The lock picking was a bit irritating, you have to be pretty exact and bobby pins break very easily. The weapon durability doesn't bother me, but the way you have to repair weapons does, and I think they lose durability too fast. I also think a level cap of 20 is way too low. I wanted to keep exploring and questing but it just didn't feel the same without seeing those xp popups and feeling that progression, so i just ended up focusing the main quest and finishing the game. Maybe they didn't want people to be to OP or sumn, but I think it was a wack decision. I'm sure a DLC or better yet mods, can raise it, so I definitely plan to replay the GOTY version on PC. Overall a solid experience that I'd recommended to most.