After Sticker Star, I wasn't expecting that much of the Paper Mario Series, but this one was a pleasant surprise!
Even if it still had some elements of Sticker Star that took a distance from RPG Elements the first two games had, It was visually gorgeous, still some good humor, and had a bigger variation with its environments, a lot of fun ideas and some really great music with it.
This one made me accept that Paper Mario took a different direction, and there might some potential in it.

After playing TTYD, really expected this one a lot (especially with the trailers showing Paper Mario was going to come back as a real RPG), I was a kid so I still enjoyed seeing a 3D Paper Mario with some great humor on 3DS, but there was definitly a big downgrade of what this serie was.
And deleting every original story element for what once was the best RPG Nintendo ever made was probably one of the mosy ununderstandable things Nintendo has ever done.

The best RPG Nintendo ever made.
New locations, charming characters, fun animations and humor, amazing Story, and perfection of the gameplay system established in the previous game.
I didn't hate the Paper Mario games that came after, but they really peaked with this one. Hope to see one like this one again someday.

This was the proof that they could do some original stuff even if it was happening in the mushroom kingdom. The foundation of one of the best RPGs Nintendo ever made.

Pobably the best rival to Mario Kart ever released.
It might be a bit hard to master, and there isn't that much levels, but Holy shit when you get the hand on it it becomes so fun! I spent hours playing it with my bro, such a shame this series disappeared today...