Poor writing, characters, and story but I beat it 15+ times when I was 12.

A game with flashy but uninspired combat. That's the only complaint.

A mod that contains the best fan-made soundtrack ever and impeccable bosses with an interesting story. So vast it practically triples the content of the original Terraria. What every overhaul mod strives to be.

Greatest indie game ever.

A game with impeccable style, gameplay, and fun side activities like building and exploring all in one package that is $10 which goes on sale every week.

My favorite JRPG ever and amongst my top 15 games of all time. Well Persona 5, the original, has many problems this game fixes all of them and improves the story and gameplay tenfold. Only problem is Haru screentime :(

Like every Persona game it contains great writing, great story, great messages, and some of the greatest gaming soundtracks ever.

An all encompassing title containing the greatest RPG trilogy of all time. If you never played Mass Effect you never experience RPG's at their best.

A souls-like I written off after playing the beta years ago. I believed it a cool concept that probably wouldn't go far. Well, I'm a hater and wrong. The gameplay, bosses, and art direction is unmatched. Great title that comes close to FromSoftwares best!

There is a reason this was the highest rated PC game on IMDB for many years. The writing of this game might be one of, if not the, best of all time. So much beauty in such a horrible place. While Disco Elysium 2 will never come I'm glad ZAUM could release this masterpiece. The gameplay may be boring to some as it consists of just walking but the writing is so unfathomable you forget about it being a point and click title.

An amazing remake to one of the greatest horror games of all time. While the original Dead Space is timeless this game is certainly an improvement over it. Dead Space 2 remake?????

I originally got this game day-1 and despite the crashes, bugs, and god-awful design choices (like the perk tree) I saw unmatched potential. CDPR reaches this potential post 2.0 update. A must play game as it is perfect.

Genuine pinnacle of FromSoftware. I love soul-games and could never tire from playing them but would love more armored core. Glad they brought it back as it is the best installment yet.

A remake that takes the original to the next-level. While I believe it is better than the original I understand arguments that both have their own qualities. Must play action title.

Improvement on the original that falls ever so slightly short in areas. Still one of the greatest art direction of all time.

What every souls-like should strive to be. It has problems with length/pacing but has some of the greatest atmosphere and design a game ever had. Impeccable art design.