Fun game but god damn it has so mush bullshit lol

I do enjoy the game but i'd be lying if i said this isn't mediocre by Jet Set Radio standards.

The overal soundtrack isn't bad per se, but it's just... it just sounds common, it doesn't have that uniqueness that JSRF had, listening to the music makes you feel like you've already heard it before. The levels don't really have that mush going on, also the game feels glitchy at times and the missions are a little bit repetitive as you progress further. You have to do the same things just in different environments, spray said locations till someone shows up --> go to said NPC --> do said challenge, and all of this leads to the oldheads showing up for another scoring competition to the crew you're up against.

And lastly: there's pretty mush no point in unlocking new characters because there's nothing distinct about them, they all have the same animations which is not only unrewarding but boring as hell, it makes the game feel so mush more stale.

Out of all the budokai games i've played, this one definitely has the most "DBZ feel" to it. I know it's definitely not the best budokai game but it was really good for it's time.

Despite it being better than the first game, i still have some issues with it.

The follow mechanic is ATROCIOUS! When you need to go to said location and you don't know where that is, you have to talk to a random NPC and he/she will lead you to where you're supposed to go, in stead of just fast traveling you have to follow the NPC and they are slooooow as fuckkkkkk, which was so annoying.

Then you have to carry a pile of books and put them on the bench outside, you have to do this boring, repetitive, useless taks for a couple of days.

And lastly, at the end of the game where you walk in the forest with Shenhua, that part took fucking FOREVERRRR, you're talking for a couple of minutes and then there's QTE, talking, QTE, talking, QTE etc.

With all that being said, i still love Shenmue, lmao.

It's decent but i'd say this game is overrated because of the amount of people i've seen that praise this game so highly.

It was kinda fun but for the most part very frustrating, the checkpoints were damn near non-existent, the guns felt good to use but there's no lock on, you just aim with your moving joystick (L3), the hover vehicle handles were terrible, the further you got into the game the more repetitive it felt and the escort missions were absolutely atrocious.

I can't think of any other fighting game that fell off as fast as Jump Force.

Still to this day my favorite Zelda game, this was the Zelda i've played since i was a kid and even after replaying it multiple times on the Dolphin emulator it still holds up very well.


This game is just so PERFECT in everything but they didn't bother to add one of the coolest things in DBZ games.


I love the gameplay of this game of course but man oh man. Not adding a Tutorial when this game was released is a big "fuck you" to all the newcomers and then years later when they added a tutorial mode and making it DLC just like frame date is just ridiculous.

The story mode and customization is complete shit, the stages and the soundtrack were mediocre.

Also i really don't like the rage art feature that they added, it hurts to say but as a Tekken game it's pretty mediocre overal.

I didn't really feel this one to be honest, the story as well as the planets aren't really interesting, i hated doing the Qwark vid comics, some of the weapons are weak as hell (even upgraded to lvl 5), they really didn't bother with that lazy ass UI, i was tired of constantly going back and forth to Starship Phoenix and some of the missions just felt repetitive.

I absolutel LOVE the gameplay, the stages, the music and the for a PS3/360 game the graphics were ahead of it's time.

But the developers were lazy when it comes to the story mode, and the character roster.

Fucking love the aesthetic of this game.

Maaaannnnn y'all some bitches, this game is good.