Dialogue speed legitimately makes me want to kill myself. I love TTYD but I really can't bear that the dialogue crawls at ~0.25x my reading speed. I'll replay the original on Dolphin, where I can press "B" to have all the text appear (WHY was this option removed?!)

the ridiculously sluggish and hand-holdy tutorial made me so nervous that i would hate this game. thankfully it was another 10/10. probably the best one so far. i can't wait for Pikmin 5 to come out in 25 years...

extremely specific nitpicks:
- whoever did the treasure names this time around completely failed to emulate the style of the Pikmin 2 treasure names. Pikmin 2 would NEVER have named a tiny plastic sword "Bright Sword". way too literal. it would be called something like "Imitation Branch". someone needs to make a mod that changes the treasure names to be more Pikmin 2-y
- this is a problem Pikmin 3 had too: the production value on the music is too high. Pikmin 1 and 2's OSTs had a distinctive quirky and weird sound that has evidently been abandoned. bring it back!
- some characters' stories are essentially left unexplained. again. again. this time, it really starts to come off as lazy writing. the main story would have been much more cohesive with even like 1% more effort in this area
- text moves too slowly, especially compared to Pikmin 2 which was super mashable and friendly to speed readers

new leaf but with no content. this game was bailed out so hard by the coronavirus

it's the best game ever --> you burn out --> you wait 3 years --> it's the best game ever --> you burn out --> and so on

a game where flowers talk to you like youre 3 years old, but 100%ing some levels requires literal psychic knowledge of hidden blocks and off-screen secrets (you want me to jump down this random pit? the one that looks like all the other mario pits that KILL YOU when you fall in them?)

i rip off my jacket, revealing a t-shirt that says "I ❤️ PUZZLES I HAVE NO CHANCE OF SOLVING WITHOUT A WALKTHROUGH"

Generally fun, but also generally disappointing. The first half sets up a pretty cool adventure, but the writing and pacing in the second half is atrocious. In spite of that, completing the game still left me sentimental and empty (in a "sad to say goodbye" way).

i have spent probably 25-30 hours just walking around doing puzzles. i have not done any story shit at all and just unlocked the really early-game camera feature last night. i remember thinking BOTW was overrated but i feel comfortable giving this 5 stars on gameplay alone despite barely having touched the story. (putting hands in the air soyly) GOTY! GOTY! GOTY!

best adventure in any video game ever

i did not enjoy this game but that doesnt stop me from thinking about it nostalgically every december

this series gave me brain damage

i hate playing against the "cracked" 14 year olds on adderall but overall its fun with friends

surely pikmin 4 will come out in our lifetime

awful story awful characters creative gameplay. if you're a writer and you decide to make the 2nd half annoying and repetitive "on purpose" because "that's how the characters feel", you should be fired

i really hoped this game would be bad in a funny way but it's actually just the worst game ever. the characters talk forever but say absolutely nothing. completely insufferable

disclaimer: i 100% concede that i wasn't playing this relaxing farm sim game "correctly"

i had a ton of fun with this for about a week until i felt really guilty about how much time i was wasting. the same sickness you might feel after it sinks in how much time you have spent on a Cookie Clicker session. also, because i was obsessed with playing "optimally" and minmaxing all my farm activities, i realized i was having as much fun as i would have doing irl chores. i thought to myself "why not allocate this focus to real homework or a real skill i want to practice?" and uninstalled the game