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AiriBan commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@LobbyDob I'll be completely honest I forgor about the weird Dark Souls marketing focused on it being unbelievably difficult. Honestly the annoying community and shift in design makes a LOT more sense after being reminded that lmao.

1 day ago

1 day ago

AiriBan commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@AxiomOpus lowkey was sperging out in a VC when I got to Rellana and proceeded to complain about George RR Shithead for a good 30 minutes. Not one of my greatest moments but it was pretty funny.

@Silvana Expected that someone who enjoys badly written gay incest (Cipher better) would hate literary masterpiece School Days

1 day ago

AiriBan followed AxiomOpus

1 day ago

AiriBan commented on MultiGenre's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
"phenomenal skyboxes" feels like such a disrespectful line, I don't know if you intended for it to be that way but it goes hard, godspeed.

1 day ago

logoszeff commented on erki's review of Wuthering Waves
But Genshin is Chinese...

Still well summarised though

1 day ago

AiriBan followed LobbyDob

1 day ago

AiriBan commented on AiriBan's review of Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree
@LobbyDob Yeah I basically agree with everything you said here, it really does go to show how Fromsoft's design philosophies and focus on difficulty has really backed them in a corner and as a consequence has made their bosses specifically extremely unfun to fight. Though I will say, while basically every boss in the dlc still stands on the "technically fair" side the final bosses' second phase is some bullshit on the level of Bed of Chaos, there's a ton of giant AOE attacks that are seemingly impossible to dodge (rolls and jumps don't seem to work at least) and do an assload of damage.
Another thing I will add though is that it seems Fromsoft has lost sight of why people loved these games so much in the first place. Yeah difficulty was on the forefront of discussion ever since the Souls series started, but that's more due to how unforgiving & punishing the games were rather than how outright hard they actually are. I'd go as far as to say the majority of Demon's Souls through DS2 bosses are fairly trivial for the most part with very few exceptions, the real difficulty came the exploration. People often forget how Dark Souls 3 was constantly ridiculed at launch due to how linear it was, lacking the free exploration of previous games, even with how good the bosses were. The reason people fell in love with Souls games in the first place was due to the immaculate world design, rewarding exploration, atmosphere and lore, bosses of course fall into this too but they were always a piece of the puzzle rather than the whole and difficulty was generally disconnected from that. But now bosses and how difficult they are seem to be the only thing talked about due to the enormous amount of focus placed on them while everything else outside of that feels extremely underwhelming. thank u fromsoft

Also unrelated but holy shit is that Labyrinth of Touhou 2 in your 5/5s I fucking love that game

1 day ago

AiriBan earned the Trend Setter badge

1 day ago

logoszeff completed Elden Ring
The DLC has its flaws, as does the main game. Some of these haven't been addressed since launch and likely never will. Even so, Elden Ring is one of those games that utterly embarrasses other game studios by merely existing. I wouldn't consider it my favourite FromSoft game, but the (deserved) success of the game makes it the magnum opus of the Miyazaki and the team. I am looking forward to see how they will try to top it.

1 day ago

AiriBan earned the Adored badge

2 days ago

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