The art direction is really cool, that side of the team nailed it. Unfortunately, everything else is mid or terrible. I was so frustrated playing it, I listed stuff I hated as I went along:

Aiming is dogwater, it's either super slippery or super stiff

Dialogue is corny and if you want to skip the dialogue choices you have to be careful you don't accidentally start the dialogue over again

You get locked out of areas quickly, so if you're looking for collectibles and take the wrong path and then go to backtrack, too bad

If you fail the hacking minigame you have to just stand there for 10 seconds while it resets

No cover mechanic, making all combat awkward, you just sort of half stand behind a wall trying to aim at heads and dipping behind when you take too much damage, and you take damage quick so you spend a lot of time standing behind a wall

Can't swap shoulders for aiming, meaning some angles are hard to see

No health bar, you just have to gauge it based on how grey the screen is, considering how quickly an enemy can take you out, this is crazy

During one level enemies could shoot through pillars, removing the already limited cover

Cutscenes and dialogue repeat themselves when you die

So much of this game seems impossible to figure out, so many doors that look painted on are actually usable you just need to rub up against them. During a scene where a guy has a gun to you from behind, you get the option to fry his brain, you're supposed to figure out to just keep the bar in the middle and walk towards him with 0 indication and 0 encounters before this leading you to believe that's even possible.

Overall I regret playing the game, hopefully, they're able to tie in their great art style with some more modern and polished game mechanics in the future.

Disappointing, the obvious point is it looks dreadful and runs poorly, I totally understand the Switch is dated, and BOTW gets away with it due it unique art style, but I expect a smidge more from the highest-grossing franchise in the world.

Gameplay wise I found it to get going too slowly, but that's a usual issue. The new Pokemon designs were really cool though, not enough to make me struggle through the issues that are a deal breaker for me.

For me, as close to a masterpiece as it can get, I have some flaws with it, like level scaling, the last quarter of the game feels unfairly scaled up, and a bit more lackluster. But that's where anything negative ends.

Amazing visuals, excellent gameplay, wonderful lore and story development. Most fun i've had with a game in years and it's quickly one of my all time faves.

Fun for a battle royale game, I like the vibe, the level and the combat flexibility. BA's aren't my exact cup of tea so I probably won't pick it up often, but still great.

Crazy that they not only matched BOTW's high bar, but somehow surpassed it. This game is a never-ending sandbox of toys, once again you'll find yourself doing anything and everything before getting to the main objective.

I think I slightly prefer BOTW, as the only downside with TOTK is there are not as many quiet moments of manually riding a horse somewhere and climbing up a mountain, you can just build a 3 stage rocket to get you anywhere you need to go, so it misses a bit of that cozy charm that BOTW had, but it's still a perfect sequel to a perfect game.

Stellar game. I had played the original but not as a kid, and it still held up which I was shocked about. But the remaster blew my expectations away and became the first RE game I platinumed. Ended up doing 6 play-throughs and still never got bored of it.

Personally I got tired of the gameplay, the similar encounters for the first 10 hours or so got quite repetitive. I was mostly in this to see what's happening with the story and it felt like it was getting in the way.

There were even a few combat encounters that interrupted the story and dialogue so I dropped it and watched the rest of the game on Youtube.

Fun story, repetitive gameplay and drags on a bit, ended up trying to end combat sections as quickly as possible so I could just watch the cutscenes. Also there's like a 3 hour section in this game where Rocket becomes unbearable, I nearly gave up

I get the point of this game was the frustrating controls, but just a tad too frustrating for me & my partner.

Amazing little indie gem, love how they slowly push you into the deep end to experience the horror aspects (which imo they could have gone harder on) and you slowly upgrade your boat to fish more and push through the plot.

The late game slowed down a bit, due to becoming comfortable with the ocean, but super excited for the dlc

Some of the reviews for this are crazy harsh considering it's a kid's game - the price? That's a bit absurd but the content of the game is fine for under 7 year olds, we're all here for a quick and easy plat but don't drag the game for no reason when you're not the target demographic.

Fun and simple platformer - I did play the original as a kid but have 0 memory of it so I wasn't feeling the nostalgia. Compared to other platformers it felt a bit lacking in variety.

Really great expansion on the base game, I was happy to finally play this on console and grab the platinum. I wasn't expecting much additional content but there was actually a good chunk of extras. Super Funny.

Personally i've tried 3 times to get into this game and just cant, but I can see how great of a game it is, but it won't grab me for some reason. I will attempt it again one day since I adore this studio, but Deathloop has been underwhelming for me so far.

It's the same thing as the other ones, a little longer and less funny than the others but most are grabbing this for the easy plat anyway.