In the Multiplayer if you're in a map with no roof over most of it you're fucked because the sniper helicopters are bitches. But I love playing gun game in the firing range map on here with my friends

Best fighting game ever. So floaty but tough. Easy to pick up but hard to master. Not that I would know of course

Such a clean and fun racer. Every track is so cool. Perfect party game

First thing I've gotta say is that CD Projekt Red really knows how to make a DLC. Wow. I didn't connect with the base game of Cyberpunk as much but I was immediately drawn into this. It helps that it's more condensed and focused in one area of the map. I think this focus is what the game really needed. With the small amount of characters I could connect with all of them and react to what they were doing. I was paying attention to all of the dialogue and following the story. I loved whenever Johnny would show up and we'd just assess the situation. In a story where you really don't know who to trust it's always good to have someone on your side no matter what. Being drawn into the story and characters makes the choices you have to make at the end that much more impactful.. Unlike other games there's not a clear bad or good choice you don't exactly want to choose any of them and I think that really puts you into the shoes of V. It's a fucked up situation and there's no easy way out. At the end I ended up killing Reed and sending So Mi to the moon, and even though I didn't want to kill him I knew that I couldn't go with him. I know enough about this world to know that I would never get the cure, I had to make a choice then and there. A theme talked about a bit in the first but more in this one is how much should you kill others to keep yourself alive. How many lives is too many. If I was a lost cause, I had to make sure one person got out. And that talk with Johnny before liftoff is so beautiful, watching the someone finally escape Night City. And the credits song is so good.

Dark Souls is pretty much what I expected. There's a lot of old school dumb video game stuff in here and the combat is a little slow for me, but I loved how I got a really powerful weapon at the start and cooked everything. I love not having to struggle my ass off in games with dark souls combat. It's ok, wasn't good but wasn't miserable

Not much I can say about Artorias of the Abyss that I haven't said about Dark Souls. Knight Artorias, while being a bitch at the end, was a pretty fun fight though.

I’ve heard about gta v for a long time and played a bit of the online. And I was really excited going into the story based on how good rdr2 is. Its characters are really strong and have cool moments but it lacks the depth that the characters in rdr2 have. There’s 70 missions which could give tons of room for really digging deep into the characters but a lot of them are just fun goofy side quests which is ok but coming from a game like gta and a studio like rockstar I kind of expected more. Pretty much the whole time I was just thinking about how much I wanted to play rdr2. It’s a shame because there are some real good characters in here, but I think it focused too much on being a LA parody, which was hilarious, than conveying a deep plot. Some people may enjoy that but there are only a couple studios out there capable of producing big budget incredible story games so I was hoping this one would be one of the greats. With all that being said, it’s still gta. It’s still a ton of fun to drive and mess around with friends so it can’t go lower than a 4 (stars). Just like the Witcher 3 does though, it does get me really excited for the next game to release after all of the advancement in story and world building the studio has done in the meantime so that it can come back swinging and bring the best of everything.

Mario wonder feels like the biggest 2D Mario game since World. After so many years of the same basic games we finally got one that makes a name for itself. There’s so many cool new power ups and enemies. Every level has its own little story and mechanic. But the best part is when you get the wonder seed and it turns everything on its head. It’s crazy how there’s a wonder seed for every level. The only problem I have is that in multiplayer you can no longer interact with your friends. I understand that they did this so that it’d be less chaotic, but that’s a lot of the fun of playing with friends. I wish there was a setting to turn on and off that feature. Other than that a really good game.

I really want to hate this game from what everyone has said. But I’ve gotta be honest, it’s not that bad. Sure there’s annoying shit like adaptivity and losing health every death which sucks balls. But the first darks souls had a lot of shit that sucked balls too. I think the thing I like about this one more is the locations. There’s a lot of really cool areas like drangelic castle and the dragon island place. The bosses are also really easy in this. The game does drag on a ton though. The post shrine of winter stuff is good so I wouldn’t take it away, but I think it would’ve been good to clean up some of the areas that do suck like no man’s wharf and the spider place. That all being said, it’s not great or anything. I just didn’t want to kill myself the whole time is what I expected

You know how typically fromsoft dlcs are better than the base game. Yeah not this one. For the entirety of dark souls 2 there was only like 2 bullshit areas out of 30 and then fromsoft said guess what, you’re getting another. The elevator system is so dumb because they take forever while you’re trying to work them and dodging enemies at the same time. The bosses are alright. When I was fighting the dragon both of my weapons broke in one fight which was crazy. One broke, I switched, then that one broke too. Anyways it’s short and fine.

Another dark souls 2 dlc that’s worse than the base game. The areas are definitely better end the castle is pretty cool, but the boss fights are so dumb. One is fucking invisible (you can make him see I know but I tried to fight it for awhile before I found that out), and the other is the worst gang fight you’ve ever seen. You have to kill the enemies fast so that you aren’t overwhelmed, but not too fast so that they respawn. You do have 4 knights to help you which sounds like a lifesaver but they do practically nothing. They do no damage and half the time there’s still 3 enemies on me. At the start the enemies are literally outnumbered 5-3 yet all of them still go after me. It makes no sense. Another ok dlc.

Damn, dark souls 2 had 3 chances to make good dlc and missed every single time. This dlc has an unnecessary about of slow levers to open big doors with tons of enemies guarding them. Luckily the one boss wasn’t too bad

There’s not a lot of good fun co-op games out there so it’s great to find buried treasure like this. Crafting this crazy hard level is so much fun to do with a bunch of friends and seeing everyone try and complete it. There’s no down time, even when you’re dead you’re paying attention seeing if someone will fall for a trap you set. Every round is the funniest thing ever. I’d definitely recommend

Yeah this shit kinda sucks. I was wondering whether to factor in the fun I've had playing with friends but decided against it because anything is fun with them. It's so hard not to compare this to Smash because it's obviously trying to be Smash, but it's not even remotely close. Every character plays the same where you just go up to someone and spam the attack button, or if you're a little too far away you can boost in close. The movement feels a little clunky so you can't ever pull off anything clean, the shitty servers don't help. The roster is also so weird too. Why is the banana guard from adventure time and a fucking gremlin in here. And who tf is reindog. Don't even get me started on Lebron James. The whole game is poorly made.

It's fun for a bit but there's not really any depth. Once you've seen the funny gimmicks you've seen it all