18 reviews liked by Fullmoonwerewolf

a passable digital version of one of my all-time favorite card games that is made worth it by being playable on mobile.

fun, creative platformer that ends before it hits its full stride.

some of the best movement I've ever experienced in a game.

it tells its story in a way only a game can, and it is all the better for it.

This game has a lot of game to it. Too much sometimes, but it does make your brain go brrrt a bunch.

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Humanity's magnum opus. While I prefer the combat system of Sekiro and the open world and freedom of Elden Ring, what FromSoft managed to do here is nothing short of spectacular. The setting, the atmosphere, the fights, I could go on and on. The only real shortcoming I can even think of was how awful the Chalice Dungeon system was. Even still, one of the best games I have ever played.

This is Naughty Dog's best game. Yeah, I said it. This was my first exposure to the Uncharted series and GODDAMN did this game slap. Jaw dropping graphics, a phenomenal story with a genuinely interesting and likable cast, and really fun combat(play this on crushing please). If you haven't played this already, do yourself a favor and go get it.

This is the greatest open-world adventure game OF ALL TIME. I have never been so drawn in to a videogame world in my life. With so many different secrets, different enemies, special items, unique cities with incredibly likable and fun NPC's, Hyrule just begs for every nook and cranny to be explored. My favorite Nintendo game without a shadow of a doubt.

Hollow Knight is a masterpiece. I love genuinely everything about this game. The simple yet incredibly satisfying combat, the intricacies and the atmostphere of the world of Hallownest, and can we not forget the S O U N D T R A C K. This game has set the highest possible standard for Metroidvanias, and if Silksong(whenever it comes out :/)can even just match what they have done here, we're looking at another masterpiece.