Walking sims are niche little games that i really really like a lot and it's really cool to see where it all comes from. Without Dear Esther there would probably be no Gone Home, Edith Finch, The Beginner's Guide, etc.

As for the game itself, it was pretty cool. Length was about an hour-ish and that's completely fine by me. It was a lot prettier than I expected it to be and the sound design and music were absolutely phenomenal

If you do choose to buy this, expect it less to feel less like a traditional walking sim and more like a poem with visuals. That's the best way to go about it, I believe

Other than seeing the humble beginnings of this genre however, I think the ₱320 (Philippines currency) asking price on Steam is a bit too steep for what you're getting. Definitely a wise decision on my part to buy it on sale for like ₱60

PEAK, shit is like 3 hours long and it was the best 3 hours of my life. First puzzle game I've ever played where I actually didn't feel like a dumbass and completed every puzzle (including the challenge ones) without looking up a guide

Came out in 2007 and my ass still got Still Alive playing on loop in 2023

Perfectly captures the late 90s-early 2000s AOL Instant Messenger vibe. It's only 40 minutes long and its free, so there's literally no reason not to try it out lol

I've literally played all the other Arkham games, but NEVER got around to the one that started it all, funny enough. So a good amount of this review is really just comparing it to what comes later, while still acknowledging the game based on its own standalone merits

But yeah, this shit rocks. I can 100% see 10 year old me getting lost in this game had I played it when it was new, everything from the atmosphere, music, gameplay, it all works together to really make you, say it with me now, feel like Batman

While freeflow combat and predator sections absolutely revolutionized gaming as a whole, its obviously pretty bare bones here compared to what came later. In fact, it started out pretty frustrating, but actually ended up like a pretty fun challenge not having access to knife counters, cape stun beatdowns, etc

What AA makes up for that the rest of the franchise seemed to lose overtime is atmosphere. Arkham Asylum is filled to the brim with detail and love. It's the most comic-booky out of the Arkham franchise (later games being more its own thing), and it works wonders with fleshing out the world that its set in.

The only honest to god issues I have with the game is that some of the level design is ass sometimes. Its really the only metroidvania in the main series, so its a little annoying when navigating some areas aren't as smooth as they should be with really weird placements of ledges and grapple points

Another SUPER big issue (that they fix in the sequels, thank GOD) is that not every interactable object is highlighted in detective mode. Doors and some collectibles just don't show up and its insanely frustrating to find some things and progress without knowing where the fuck to go. I spent 20 minutes wandering around the same place, because the placement of the doors were so obscure and painted the same color as the rest of the wall

Other than being a little dated, this is still an amazing game and I'm glad I finally got around to playing it after all this time!

This review contains spoilers

Sept 17, 2022

That was certainly a game.

I don't think disappointing is the right word I'm looking for, probably underwhelming is more fitting

The game opened really strongly, but the moment it started time skipping was when it lost me tbh. The game fast tracked the relationship between Henry and Delilah and that just didn't do it for me. Like I was at the end of Day 3 getting to know my new boss and within 5 minutes of gameplay, I was suddenly on Day 64

I understand that they built up Henry and Delilah's connection with each other through a quick montage and that was the game's way of showing that and that's great and all, but as the player I barely know jackshit about her

At the end of the day, Firewatch is a good game, but my experience was hampered a little by an awful framerate (my PC problem, not a game problem)
October 2, 2023

Hiiii so it's a year later and my opinion on this game has drastically shifted LMAO. It's really one of those games that you just kinda sit with and think about for awhile after you play them

So my thoughts on the time skips are still pretty much the same, its kinda whack, but they bother me less now. The main point of this rereview is to discuss the nature of the game itself

In the game, Henry becomes a firewatch lookout for Shoshone National Forest as an escape from his super stressful reality regarding his wife and other complications. Throughout the game, you uncover what at first seems to be supernatural elements throughout the forest, but by the end (most of it) is revealed to just be mundane things exacerbated by both Henry and Delilah's wants of wanting something more from life

That's something we can all relate to. Wanting something exciting to happen to us to break free from the stressors and monotony of everyday life. After a week or so of playing the game, I encountered my own set of stressors in my personal life. What did I do?

I booted up the game and just walked around in the game's built in free roam mode and that's when it clicked. I was walking through Shoshone National Forest as an escape from my reality the same way Henry was

This game is LITERALLY a calm escape from everyday life where you can just get lost in the trees and ignore all your issues for a bit

Having that realization click was an amazing feeling and I have this game to thank for it....still not a perfect score tho lol

This review contains spoilers

(!)Review copy-pasted straight from Twitter lol

I think I may have overhyped myself because it really wasn't all that special lmao. The story was fine, I've been out of the Star Wars franchise since ep 9, but I don't think I needed to have caught up on my Star Wars lore to enjoy this (which is a good thing)

Where the game excelled were the lightsaber battles. They were finally able to give me that rush of being a jedi that hasn't been captured before in Battlefront or Force Unleashed. Shame there were only 3 of them in the whole game

The puzzles in the game were offensively simple, but offensively obtuse as well. I would have chalked it up to me just being a dumbass but when I looked up the answer for the easiest puzzle in the game on youtube and I saw that 1.2M people ALSO looked it up, I think I have a point here

What I didn't expect was for this game to be a metroidvania. I'm not the biggest fan of that genre, but for what its worth, this one was designed really well. EXCEPT for the Zeffo temple. The level design there is so frustratingly obtuse and hidden that there are deadass walkthroughs on youtube showing you how to LEAVE the area

The Uncharted style platforming was okay, but a little unresponsive at times. I still don't get what was the point of having to press L2 to grab on to objects. Just autograb it for me like Uncharted does??

I think the most disappointing aspect for me was character dynamics. Like yo I really wasn't sold on Greez, Cere, and Cal being friends. I eventually did after taking the holocron back and I was hyped for what was next

...and then the credits started rolling. Like seriously?? That's it!?

Like even after finishing the game I really couldn't tell you a single thing about any of the characters. Cal is hot but he's also like pretty bland tbh lmao. I also was not sold whatsoever with the actor's performance, no hate to Mr. Monaghan ofc, but yeah. Times where Cal shouts or is in pain like when he thinks Cere died or whatever, my guy just won't show any negative emotion past mildly bothered

Other than the definitive lightsaber experience, I also think this game is a great entrypoint into the Soulsborne genre. It's pretty similar to Sekiro swordplay wise except much easier

Overall, it's a pretty good Star Wars game, but definitely has a lot of room for improvement. If you wanna play another Respawn game with a better story, I recommend Titanfall 2

Easily the most politically charged game I've ever played. Disco Elysium has a lot to say and damn does it say those things really well over the course of a 20-ish hour gripping narrative

This isn't usually the type of game that I would play from start to finish, but DAMN was I hooked after the first hour. Genuinely, I think this game raised my standards for what I consider "good writing"

The dice roll mechanic is the highlight of this game for sure. One of the most creative and fun unique game mechanics I've ever personally experienced since Shadow of Mordor's Nemesis System

It's pretty slow game for the most part and VERY VERY dialogue heavy, but all that shit gets turned upside down once you get to the Mercenary Tribunal, like hooooly shit. One of the coldest moments in gaming imo

Almost a perfect rating too. Apart from a couple audio bugs, my main (albeit really minor) gripe is how there's no fast travel from the Whirling to the docks, like why not? There's a fast travel between the little fishing village and the church (which have 0 loading screens btw), but no fast travel to the docks which is separated from the rest of the game by like 3 loading screens wtf

Overall, fantastic experience. Shoutouts to my friend for constantly bombarding me until I played this. Despite its 23ish hour playtime and my lack of time, almost wanna go and replay it again lol

mman how the fuck does a simple handbag robbery result in a 6-man shootout


Pretty good! It is a pretty short game, most people finishing it in around 40 mins to an hour, I finished it in around an hour and 30 because I was messing around the place a bit

The story is definitely a highlight and maybe I was just a little slow to catch on, but the ending was quite unexpected, but in a good way. (I'm being vague about it to avoid spoilers, however there are already a couple Backloggd reviews on here that aren't tagged, so be weary of that I guess). This just gives the game a replayability factor of at least one more playthrough once you understand what's going on

I've seen some people on here describe this game as a walking sim, and they're kinda right? But not entirely... In terms of walking sims, it's more akin to something like Firewatch and less like Gone Home or Edith Finch. Like in Firewatch, you get to play through these "scenarios" where a majority of the gameplay really just consists of listening to two people talk to each other, there are a couple mini games sprinkled here and there, but overall, its very light on gameplay

In terms of gameplay, the most fun I had was trying to break some of the scenarios by screwing around and clipping into things. The funniest instance was when I was able to get on top of the dude's car while he was having a serious conversation with the farmer (the player)

There's really not much else to say tbh. The writing and voice acting are pretty stellar, but this game really could have used more memorable music. That's probably the only thing it was lacking-- experience-wise, anyway. Graphics were okay too

Overall, I'd say its well made, but just "okay" in the grand scheme of games similar to this. Still enjoyed it tho! I guess final thoughts are that this game is ridiculously easy to 100%. I don't even care about achievements all too much, but I got a good bulk of it in my first playthrough so I'd say go for this one, achievement hunters!

I'll admit that I forced myself to finish the career mode of the game. Not the game's fault by any means, that's just a me problem, but anyway--

I think it's important to say this first, but I finished the career mode in around 19 hours-ish. During this mode, your late grandfather has packages delivered to you via his co-worker (I think) named Joy. She delivers you 9 "story" models in total before the career mode ends. I could NOT find this info anywhere else online, so yeah. You also move workshops around 6 story models in

As for the game itself, it really wasn't for me. I'm sure if you like assembling or painting models IRL, then you'd probably get a kick out of this game- but it wasn't my thing personally. The UI is a lil janky at times, (rarely but occasionally blocking your view of the model) and more often than not, you find yourself fiddling between different pieces because the game misinterpreted your input.

Overall, not a bad game, I'm just not the target audience for it.

Oh yeah, Netflix cooked with this one

Really only comment is that the puzzles are a little obtuse at times and would definitely benefit from a hint system. Even a slight nudge in the right direction would have been appreciated. Fun game tho

god i love molly moonn, I feel a lil weird rating a demo, but concept and style alone gives this 5 stars tbh

Edit: 7 months later, I kinda take it back after reading a couple reviews lmao. I still do think it's an interesting concept and could possibly work if expanded upon, but 5 stars? What was I thinking? lmao

Very short, but enjoyable is the best way to describe this game. Kaigan Games, the developers of Simulacra, partnering with the BBC to make a Doctor Who game is a super odd pairing, but it works surprisingly well enough. The game was very clearly made during the height of the pandemic, but that's what makes the format of the game so brilliant. Other Kaigan Games games already don't have too much characters on screen anyway, so this felt no different

As a huge Doctor Who fan, having Osgood be the guiding lead throughout the whole game is super neat. And as of writing this, this is currently her last chronological appearance since 2015's Zygon Inversion, so its just nice to have more of her

It was also super nice to see/hear from the characters after 2007's Blink (the Angels' first appearance). Always one of my favorite episode and its super nice to see Larry again, even if it was only briefly. Just a small shame that we don't get to see Sally at all, but Carey Mulligan is probably too expensive for the BBC at this point lmao

Speaking of the Angels themselves, they were utilized kinda... eh? In fairness, this game isn't entirely at fault. Every appearance of the Weeping Angels since Blink have added really stupid rules to how they work and this game is no different. The plot contradicts itself many times throughout the 2 hour playtime with the really dumb "the image of an angel becomes itself an angel" rule established in 2010's Time of the Angels

Not the worst choice for a main antagonist in a Doctor Who mobile game, but I feel as though an original monster would have been a better choice. (still love the Angels tho!)

Lastly, despite the messy plot and surface level gameplay, it's still an absolute treat, ESPECIALLY for Whovians. I counted at least 12 references and easter eggs to random episodes throughout the show's history. Fun enough for what it is, recommend it to fans of the show specifically

(!)Played on Steam via the SADX Mod Manager. This included making the game widescreen, Dreamcast conversion, etc

Sonic's first traditional outing in a 3D setting (not counting Sonic 3D Blast and Sonic R) is still pretty good even to this day! This game still has, for better or worse, something that modern 3D Sonic games don't and that being multiple characters. Most Sonic games nowadays just have you play as the titular hedgehog, but you have 5 whole other options here and each character has their own moveset and campaign to go through after (or during) Sonic's story

Speaking of, the plot SA is the pretty standard formula of Eggman is trying to harness an evil power so Sonic has to stop him, but what makes it unique from other games is how the story is told. Characters keep popping in and out of Sonic's story, but you never really get the full scope of the story until you've played through all 6 characters. You can find a pretty nifty visualization here (spoilers ofc)

That being said, its definitely not flawless. While everyone's stories overall I would say are pretty different, there are sometimes where they overlap a little too much for my liking. Meaning that if you want to get the full story, you need to fight the same boss 3 or so times with different characters and that's a little boring ngl. Not every story is made equal too, while Sonic and Knuckles' stories are perfectly fine, E-102 Gamma and Big's are severely lacking in any actual involvement in the overall narrative. I understand that Big's (really awful gameplay-wise btw) story is mainly a shitpost, Gamma not really being a part of anything was a little unfortunate

Anyway, story aside now. Gameplay wise, I would say that this game as a hit overall. I've only ever played the boost games so I was worried about how controlling Sonic would feel super awful and slippery, but I was pleasantly surprised! You can actually make slight adjustments to your movements now without Sonic slipping and sliding all over the place. Granted, some gameplay gimmicks are a little annoying. Apart from Big's whole story which has been shat on since 1998, a couple level specific gimmicks are pretty bad too. The ice stalagmites in Ice Cap Zone, the tilting mechanic in Egg Carrier, both flying stages, etc. These all take away from the gameplay a fair bit imo

One thing that later games do improve on that I think was kinda bad here is the homing attack. Sonic's homing attack is the definition of okay. Later games add a reticle and thank goodness they do, because 8/10 times the homing attack is responsive, but the other 2 times you will end up losing a life because Sonic went where you didn't want him to go and that's frustrating. That combined with this game's worst aspect: the camera

Now, I admit that this might be because of the mods I had installed, but the camera in this game is fucking awful at times. There is a certain part in Amy's story where I lost 4 lives because the camera was in a fixed position incredibly far away from her and I just end up walking off the platform. Ofc, this is not to mention the several other times throughout my playthrough where the camera just got stuck or clipped into walls completely obstructing my view of anything which definitely pissed me off for a bit

But if there was one thing I had to highlight in this review specifically, is the goddamn Egg Viper boss fight. Happens near the end of Sonic's story and this is probably the worst and most unfair boss fight I've played in awhile. What's crazy is that the boss isn't even that hard, its just that 80% of the time your homing attacks don't fucking work. I have GRAZED Doctor Eggman's eyeballs several times throughout that fight because of how close I was to him, but still never did any damage because the game registered that homing attack as a miss. Screw the Egg Viper seriously

That being said, I would still say that this is a good Sonic game. Definitely not timeless, its a little aged in a couple areas here and there, but overall still a fun experience. Likely would not go back to it all too much tho

I truly miss when mobile games were made with passion and care. Gone are creative puzzle games like Cut the Rope and Where's my Water?

All we have left is this shit