This game was soooooo sick. I must have played a thousand times. But I remember how UNFAIR it was. Enemies came out of nowhere in the shadows, it was impossible to win whitout knowing beforehand where they would come from.

I remember really liking it but it was so long ago, it came free with my pc after our Windows XP finally gave its last breaths and we bought a new computer.

started promising but ended kinda mid

the game kinda drops the realistic tone at the end but its still very good, they should have focused more on the war instead of the "AI Planes" stuff.

The bad presentation on some aspects dosent take away the value of all the positive aspects. The world is gorgeous, the narrative is good, everything feels alive.
If bad facial animations hurt the experience so much, damn, i guess every single game before Half Life 2 is bad them?


This was way better than I expected it to be at the end. It was a bit overwelming at points, with the story not really showing its cards until the very end, but its all worth it. Also, the quality of the game is extremely high, this is the most polished "immersive sim", probably. 10/10