The Most Important game ever made, there will never be another one like it.


This was way better than I expected it to be at the end. It was a bit overwelming at points, with the story not really showing its cards until the very end, but its all worth it. Also, the quality of the game is extremely high, this is the most polished "immersive sim", probably. 10/10

Maybe one day i'll finnish but holy shit this was a major downgrade, they took the level design of 1 and just threw it into a trash compactor. Some levels are ok, some are just HORRIBLE.

Probably one of the biggest missed opportunities in gaming history, and the fact its 4 stars even with that, its a testament to its quality. Best combat ever, generic campaign, Therium-2 is good tough.

I remember really liking it but it was so long ago, it came free with my pc after our Windows XP finally gave its last breaths and we bought a new computer.

Absolutely Fantastic game, nothing has ever really come close to it, nor attempted to replicate what this game achieved, its a shame that its sucessor ended up defining the next 20 years of gaming, and not this one.

This game was soooooo sick. I must have played a thousand times. But I remember how UNFAIR it was. Enemies came out of nowhere in the shadows, it was impossible to win whitout knowing beforehand where they would come from.

All of Christendom will be awed by the victory we have won here today!

Absurdly good tatical/strategy game. It cuts the resource management and goes straight into micromanaged combat, and it is so so so great in the niche specific audience that it seeks to achieve.

The game gets worse the harder you think about it, so just dont. It really, really isnt worthy of the title of "Deux Ex".

Finishing a campaign was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had.

Was good when I was a kid just shooting mutants in the subway. Now as an adult the history is laughable, quests are painful and the game is far to easy to give me any sense of an unforgiving wasteland. Ending is actual garbage and the DLC ending feels like the developers are pointing a finger at you and laughing.

Probably the most consistent and overral best "pure" shooter game ever made, the "bridge" between the "DOOM era" and the "Modern Era".

What a shitty ending lol. I expected this to be way better than it was, by the time you get to the fifth or sixth hour (half the game), it begins to decline in quality too fast until it ends in a very meh sequence which plays into nostalgia to mask how mid the last 2 or 3 hours where.