Very good game, but it really drops the ball when it expects you to finish it FOUR TIMES to get the ending.


Halo's 3 story feels 100x better after this one. Gameplay is seriusly flawed and artificial difficulty combined with extremely bad level design in many levels makes this a very dissapointing revival of halo.

Way better than i remembered and way better than people give it credit for. Going trough each and every single dlc, tough, isnt really fun, the main history plus the sidequests are enough.

Basically an standalone expansion from the last game, but its great! Its the best campaign from the entire series, the only strategy game that really captures the level of human sacrifice during the great patriotic war.

Boring. Story manages to be worse than 3, but at least you have choices, isnt too linear. But that really dosent make it any less boring. Used cheats to finish

Game is just too flawed to be given a higher rating, story is just completely terrible, every single one of them, the main story and sidequests. The the best one is the assasians guild story, which is 05/10 instead of 03/10.

Combat is just boring, magic is too overpowered, and if your caracter isnt specialized on that, you will end up just using whatever enchant weapons and staffs you find to progress.

Extremely overrated, even for the time. Some games just launch and people pretend its good, and its left for the next geration to realise that "oh, this didnt age poorly, its just bad!"

Best RTS campaign imo, its also a remarkable achievement, bringing an RTS to consoles.

Feels very incomplete but the gameplay is very solid and very immersive.

Too short and too easy, with a non-sensical story and even more non-sensical characters. Gameplay is very solid but as the last game of a trilogy, it really dissapoints.

When i first played it felt like the best game ever, but now I appreciate more Halo's CE more firm, perfect gameplay. The story carries the campaign IMO

The first 6 levels are strong enough to carry your sense of awe trough the bad 3 levels until you can are left off with the 10th last level which is a very satysfying conclusion to the game. Solid 9/10, love it even more because it makes doom fans cry and mald.

Dissapointed with the rating, this game is so fun!