Unarguably the greatest competitive game of all time. You simply can't look at old Flash vs Jaedong sets without feeling like you're in the presence of gods.

I've seldom given less thought to a game after finishing it; as soon as the credits rolled I booted up the already-installed CS3 and didn't look back, just kept on going forward, relentlessly.

This was just a really fun time, classic experience of shouting at friends and trying your hardest not to throw the controller at those backseating your ass from the comfort of their couches. Feels like it'd be sad asf to play on your own tho haha


Practically all its flaws, including its disappointing meta narrative, shallow implementation of Lovecraftian imagery and lack of any real distinguishing identity are all but rendered void by its ephemeral length and what remains is a satisfying 2D hack and slash with a ridiculously addicting dash system.

I don't have the time to play anything longer at the moment so being able to get the high from beating this in one evening was a real life-saver

Trust me if you had to live in Québec for 18 years you'd also turn out like her.

I'm Kevin "The Deep" Moskowitz and I approve this message.

New Class 7 marched alone, leaking blood with every step ,

Nah but this was pretty good. My expectations had been completely warped from socials but that actually didn't end up being a totally bad thing!

Like yeah stuff such as never shutting up about the ending and other things ended up being terrible for me, but it also might have made me less critical towards the game's most controversial elements, to the point where when we see the full extent of the C_ play out in CS4 I wouldn't be surprised if I was fairly mild on it. Black Takuji is also fine for now, though Budget Hodei could use some work.

Outside of that, I kinda already wanna turn the page on this game and wait and see what CS4 has to offer before anything else. Pretty excited for it!

2030 Game of the Year. No game will mean more for our future.

Throwing an employee's career to the wolves to appease radicals makes everything that PM has ever pretended to stand for completely hollow and the act of supporting them unconscionable. This is one of the absolute worst reversals I've ever seen in the industry and marks the moral death of the company wholesale.


you really gotta be able to meet this game where it stands, as it's not that it has cracks as much as it is the earthquake itself. but there's few more insane things to witness than to see this level of ambition repeatedly crumble on itself in a phantasmal blaze of glory.