Idk what the fuck this is but the level where you run from pacman can suck my dick. The levels before that are are really surreal and fun immersive sim! I love the grappendix! Gotta be my favorite organ.

Idc what the funny chicken mask guy tells me I am not going to stop killing stuff!

idk this game just lost me along the way

cool game to play with friends from time to time

shit load of loading times and desyncs everywhere thank god i just played it for a month on game pass

the chinese are inside my computer

I walked through a forest and stuff.

cool game but I am not gonna finish it

I still think about the go outside achievement from time to time.

I cannot afford to grind this on the daily too!

Be crimes, do gay or something idk.

Was free on the Epic Games launcher once and it relaxed me after a hard day of work!

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I really love this game but it just starts to fall of after the ginso tree escape sequence.