Started playing while being severely drunk only to realize the next day that I wanted to play DMC 3 instead.

Be crimes, do gay or something idk.

Best way to experience the old halo games!

Feels like an official prequel. I LOVED revisiting the Underground. It shows a couple of familiar locations from a new angle and I ADORE the newly added western themed areas.

Cool game but I just can't be bothered to finish it.

200 hours of playtime and multiple playtroughs later I still want more! - half a star because I don't like the repetitive optional dungeons plastered all over the game map and getting the stones for weapon upgrades is kinda tedious for repeat playthroughs.

fun/spooky time with friends!

shooty shooty bang bang with friends!


Relaxing game with cool fishies

Idc what the funny chicken mask guy tells me I am not going to stop killing stuff!

Got it just to check out an old classic. Fun game but I don't need to finish this.

Who tf is Ulysses and why is he telling me my character has a backstory?

My first and only Pokemon game. Can't be asked to play another one tho.