cool game overall but guess I just had enough of halo

my favourite game on the NDS by far

marked it as completed but remember the end is never the end is never the end and so on

Started playing it some months after release. During the journey my brain deactivated and suddenly I had like 150 hours of playtime and the whole map+dlc was explored and finished. It wasn't even that good Todd what have you done to my brain???

Random guy steals cool fit and boat just to go around the caribbean collecting ubisoft collectibles and do pirate stuff.

the reason why I bought my first pc and the dominant game of my childhood!

Cool Particle effects + yeeting stuff at enemies is fun also fun music and gameplay especially in that one part with the shifting rooms!

was free on release of the second game pretty cool game idk if ill finish it tho

fun times with a friend in splitscreen coop! 😄

Got the first act on P can't be fucked to do the same for the second one atm but I will definitely return for the next act when it releases!

cool game to play on my phone from time to time!

Funny man with chicken mask tells me to kill or something idk.

The Chinese got me in their grasp. Help