Idk why the fuck I am using a katana to fight blokes with guns but when I actually manage to kill them all my Adrenalin spikes into the stratosphere! ITS SO COOL!

The Chinese got me in their grasp. Help

played a bit with friends but really didn't catch me

the dungeon sure was dark but can't be bothered to finish it tho

This is such a cool remake of the original and I just love how they changed up the final chapter!


I downloaded it once and played for like 30 minutes. Then I started questioning my life choices and uninstalled it.

I loved how Ubisoft gorgeously and highly detailed portrayed Paris during the revolution but I wish the climbing and combat systems would have their occasional hiccups!

Some maps sucked and the weapon balancing is whack but Operations and Frontlines are just two of the most fun game modes in modern shooters! Too bad DICE dropped the ball on the games after this one. I play it from time to time even today.

Cool shooter to play with friends burried under a pile of shit. For exaple: there is a voice chat that is forced uppon you when creating a lobby with friends and the only way to "turn it off" is to mute each other. Also you can't join a friends squad when the game is in progress. Glad i got this for free on epic.

Got it for Free on the Epic Games Launcher over a year ago. Played a little and then shelved it. Idk why I shelved it but this website finally reminded me to complete it! Totally worth it!

the exploration gets boring very quickly

Funny man with chicken mask tells me to kill or something idk.