2023 favorites

Nothing here!

“Most of my stars in my rating come from having picked Kevin for my first playthrough. I loved the hell out of playing as Kevin.”
“Come on man, don’t remake it so it’s just like a game that millions of people liked. That was the whole point of the original, it was supposed to be ugly and not fun! Now I actually want to play it and finish it. Come on…”
“Yahoo! It’s another goddamn Mario game!”
“I guess I just have an affinity for the ‘kids getting shit done’ genre”
“This is by far the best written story out of any game I’ve played this year, and it’s the silly dumbass point and click internet game.”
“Make sure you talk to everyone in the melting city, you never know when someone might tell you something incredibly useless.”
“Holey moley this game fucks so hard.”
“There was absolutely no way I wasn’t going to love the last major Dragon Quest game we’re probably going to have for a while”
“I’m never killing a slime in a mainline DQ game ever again. How would I know for sure that it isn’t Rocket? HOW WOULD I KNOW”


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