This is a really charming little game. The combat is underwhelming, but it's sufficient; I can't name any major flaws with it, but it's ultimately the most forgettable part of the experience. Where this game really shines is in its world design, atmosphere, and presentation. As much as I love realistic AAA games like God of War Ragnarok and Elden Ring, there's always a special place in my heart for more stylized titles like this, and I really can't think of another game like Lost in Random in that regard. Unless you're really hunting for the best combat gameplay experience you can find, I strongly recommend this game, and despite its flaws, I'll be more than happy to jump into any sequel that comes out for another chance to, dare I say it, get lost in Random.

The only big problem is no one in the game knows the singular form of "dice" so for that reason alone I must sadly give it a 0 out of 10.

This is a solid action game with tight, satisfying combat. The bosses are sadly a bit forgettable but none of them are particularly bad. The story is also excellent, and this version has a much better face for Peter Parker.

I absolutely adore this game. The Wii U version was a staple of my youth and Deluxe elevates it to brilliant new heights. A must-have for any Switch owner, in my opinion.

This is a really enjoyable Doom clone, though it's no replacement for the real thing. Some creative enemy design and weapon variety makes up for some flaws, but there are unfortunately some pretty big weapon imbalances.

This is a solid game but it has its flaws. The low cost of stars is the biggest one, as it really makes the minigames pretty irrelevant. Still, the minigames themselves are fun for the most part. I cannot stand Don't Wake Wiggler though

This is a really delightful little puzzle game with a lot of creativity behind it. It's a pretty steep departure from the usual Mario formula but I really can't recommend it enough.

This was an underwhelming little game that I really wanted to like more. The art style and location design are gorgeous but the combat is a bit too simplistic and the ending was frankly baffling.

A decently fun little game without a lot behind it.

I've heard this called the best 2D Zelda, and while I haven't played many other 2D Zelda games, this IS a top-notch game. The nonlinear approach works very well, the story is compelling, and there are some excellent dungeon puzzles.

This game is great but unfortunately it's hard to recommend in the modern day. You absolutely need two friends with their own copies for this game to work, the singleplayer is terrible. If you CAN get two friends with their own copies, though, this game is excellent! A lot of chaotic co-op fun. There's a steep difficulty spike at the very end but overall it's just a good time.

It's Mario Kart on the go! Mario Kart 8 Deluxe is definitely the best Mario Kart on the market these days but if you've still got a 3DS, you're staring down a roadtrip, and you don't have a Switch (or your joy-cons are drifting) it's still a good time! There's some really solid tracks here, I'm a big fan of Shy Guy Bazaar in particular.

In my opinion there is nothing that this game does that 3D World doesn't do better, and now that we live in a world where both games exist there's no real reason not to just play 3D World. Still, if you've already played 3D World, this is a good time.

I never played the original game on the N64 but I enjoyed my time with this port. I feel like it might have meant something more to me back in the day but when I got to it it just struck me as a fun space shooter.

I absolutely adore this game. The level and world design is beautiful, the story is surprisingly twisted (in true Kirby fashion) and the gameplay is very deep. Customizable copy abilities are a godsend for this franchise and I want to see them in the next Kirby game. The only real complaint I have is that I played this one mostly co-op, and my player 2 noted that a lot of the levels were not designed to give Waddle Dee much to do. So overall I very strongly recommend it but I do regretfully recommend it as a primarily singleplayer experience.

I'm gonna be honest like 90% of what this game has going for it is "lightsabers are cool" but luckily for it lightsabers are VERY cool. This was good enough that I'm looking forward to the sequel but it wasn't without some good old fashioned EA jank. Still a good time all around though.