This is a really charming little game. The combat is underwhelming, but it's sufficient; I can't name any major flaws with it, but it's ultimately the most forgettable part of the experience. Where this game really shines is in its world design, atmosphere, and presentation. As much as I love realistic AAA games like God of War Ragnarok and Elden Ring, there's always a special place in my heart for more stylized titles like this, and I really can't think of another game like Lost in Random in that regard. Unless you're really hunting for the best combat gameplay experience you can find, I strongly recommend this game, and despite its flaws, I'll be more than happy to jump into any sequel that comes out for another chance to, dare I say it, get lost in Random.

The only big problem is no one in the game knows the singular form of "dice" so for that reason alone I must sadly give it a 0 out of 10.

What an incredible saga. Some of the best storytelling I've seen in video games hands down. The gameplay can be a little clunky at times, especially in the first game, but it's so worth it. This trilogy has well earned its reputation and you honestly probably don't need me to tell you that.


This is an absolutely horrifying game with a masterfully crafted atmosphere of dread and anxiety and a cunningly thought-provoking story that, no joke, I actually wrote about for a college paper once. Sci-fi horror fans should definitely give this one a try.

I absolutely adore this game. The Wii U version was a staple of my youth and Deluxe elevates it to brilliant new heights. A must-have for any Switch owner, in my opinion.

This game executes its iconic core premise brilliantly and it well deserves its reputation as a deeply satisfying and surprisingly cerebral action experience.

This game has been with me for most of my adult life and even as I write these words I struggle to come to terms with the fact that I actually just beat it. I absolutely adore Darkest Dungeon. It's cruel, terrifying, and punishing, and it's absolutely incredible. The tone, theming, and gameplay design are in perfect harmony, and I can think of few games that better fulfill their purpose than this one. I struggle to recommend it because it will not be everyone but if you're looking for a challenge, I can think of few better games to test your mettle with. What a masterpiece.

Everyone knows how good this game is. I wouldn't call it the best open world game I've ever played, or the best Zelda game I've ever played, but it's still a masterpiece.

This is an absolute gem of a game. A title like Pentiment lives and dies by story and writing alone and damn if this one didn't absolutely knock it out of the park. I cannot recommend it enough.

This game was a huge part of my childhood and playing it again through the All-Star collection was a blast. One of the all-time greats, no question.

This is an odd little prequel, and not quite on the level of New Order, but it's still an entertaining time. I found the design of the final boss in particular to be quite a unique take on first-person shooter encounters.

Dark Souls 2 is certainly weaker than the first game but that's really not saying much. This is an exceptional title and well worth your time if you're a fan of the genre.

I never played the original game on the N64 but I enjoyed my time with this port. I feel like it might have meant something more to me back in the day but when I got to it it just struck me as a fun space shooter.

This is an incredibly well-designed platformer with a delightful story and some phenomenal humor. And oh man the soundtrack is INCREDIBLE. If you like platformers, play this.

This is a solid game, and it's a shame the reboot trilogy ended on such a whimper after a strong start like this. My favorite part will always be the optional side tombs and collectable treasures, but the cinematic action and third person combat are well executed as well.

A truly fantastic sequel that iterates on the lore and mechanics of the first in a brilliant way. Arguably a better game, but I prefer the first one for the tone and setting.