This game could never be the masterpiece CDPR promised, and they should not be let off the hook for their deception. As it stands now, though, Cyberpunk 2077 is a solid open world RPG with some excellent character work and genuinely top-notch sidequests. The main storyline was a bit hard to follow at times, but it delivered some excellent emotional beats. Under normal circumstances, this would be a hard game not to recommend.

This was an intense rhythm game and also one of the most effective pieces of cosmic horror I've experienced in a while, which I was not expecting. It's super tough but it's absolutely worth it.

This game gave me a headache. I heartily recommend it.

This game had an unimaginable effect on me and I will be thinking about it for weeks, months, maybe years to come, if not the rest of my life. I cannot recommend it enough.

This was a charming little game! As roguelikes go, the gameplay was nothing special, but the character work and writing more than made up for it. I had a great time at Verona Beach.


This is an absolute gem of a game. A title like Pentiment lives and dies by story and writing alone and damn if this one didn't absolutely knock it out of the park. I cannot recommend it enough.


This was a really cool game! The combat felt fluid and engaging and the art style was absolutely spectacular. The developers did stupendous things with the constraints of their retro medium, there were some set pieces that genuinely took my breath way.

This is an unbelievable game that improves on the original in every way. When I called Elden Ring a once in a lifetime game last year I wasn't talking damselfly lifetimes but here we are again. Whoever you are, if you don't play Tears of the Kingdom, you're missing out.


This was an achingly beautiful little game and I can think of very few reasons for someone not to play it. It's easy, accessible, and so very gorgeous. You can beat it in an afternoon and it's absolutely worth the time. What a gem.

Celeste made me fall in love with 2D platformers all over again. This is an absolutely splendid game. The art style, the music, the theme, the heart, and the tight, fluid, incredibly engaging gameplay makes this game an absolute must-play.

This was a really gorgeous game. The atmosphere is perfect and the art style is simply stunning. Hyper Light Drifter would be excellent even if the combat wasn't great, but the combat is absolutely immaculate and the bosses are all spectacular, cinematic, and engaging. The only real complaint I have is that there isn't more of it and with that in mind I'm very much looking forward to the sequel.

This game has been with me for most of my adult life and even as I write these words I struggle to come to terms with the fact that I actually just beat it. I absolutely adore Darkest Dungeon. It's cruel, terrifying, and punishing, and it's absolutely incredible. The tone, theming, and gameplay design are in perfect harmony, and I can think of few games that better fulfill their purpose than this one. I struggle to recommend it because it will not be everyone but if you're looking for a challenge, I can think of few better games to test your mettle with. What a masterpiece.

This is a top-notch video game, which I'm sure most of you already know. Anyone with a Switch owes it to themselves to pick up Super Mario Odyssey.