I arrived on the video game scene pretty late in the overall timeline so the original Link's Awakening was definitely before my time. This remake is an absolute gem, though. The art style is adorable and the music and atmosphere are just so charming. Even though the world is much more compact than a lot of other Zelda games, and is further constrained by the overall presentation making it feel like a little toybox, it's remarkable how much content there is and how much there is to discover. There was one boss that briefly stumped me but overall I really have no complaints.

Super Mario 3D World was one of my favorite games on the Wii U and I'm really happy to have it back on Nintendo Switch. I was also excited to get my hands on Bowser's Fury, though, and that game is absolutely delightful. The open world design and its seamless level integration is revolutionary and I look forward to seeing what influence it will have on future entries. Bowser's Fury is one of the very few games in my life I've ever gone out of my way to 100% and I do not regret it, the world is rich with secrets, bonus content, and just all around fun. It's also extremely small, but fortunately, it comes packaged with one of the Wii U's best games! Definitely check this one out if you have a Switch and haven't picked up a copy already.

This was my first Yakuza game, and I understand it's very different from the rest of the franchise, at least from a gameplay perspective. I really enjoyed it, though. I'm a big fan of RPGs, and the way this game integrated turn-based RPG combat with its setting is hilarious, bombastic, and delightful. The classes based on regular jobs are wild and at high levels I really enjoyed setting up buckwild combos through the hilarious use of everyday objects. The side content is also a lot of fun, particularly the kart racing questline. I found the storyline a bit hard to follow at first when it started diving into the politics of the gang war, but that confusion was definitely sorted out by the end. The only major complaint I had was there were a few major difficulty spikes that really made the game grind to a halt, but overall this game is an absolute delight and I highly recommend it.

This is far from the best Fallout game, and there's a lot of bugs and glitches I could cite, but honestly the story and character work just didn't grip me. Still, it's a fun game, and it's very easy to sink hundreds of hours into, especially with the settlement building mechanics. From a raw gameplay perspective this game is a triumph, but you won't get the top-tier story or worldbuilding from FNV.

It's no secret that I adore Fallout New Vegas, and I'm a big fan of Obsidian, mostly because of Fallout New Vegas. This game is not as good as Fallout New Vegas but it's still an excellent RPG with a good story, a phenomenally built world, and humor that manages not to be overwhelming. It's a rather short game, and the combat is, frankly, trivial, especially at higher levels, but the world, character, and story work still carry this game.

I really love Skyward Sword and have since I first played it in 2011. This remaster is a great way to bring it to modern consoles and I appreciated the alternative to the motion controls, even though I never had a problem with them in the original (an unpopular opinion, I know). I definitely recommend it to any Zelda fans out there.

This is a remarkably good game. I don't have a lot of experience with the franchise but I've always admired it from afar and this game definitely establishes why the franchise is so beloved. The level design is absolutely stellar but the bosses are wildly difficult and also EXTREMELY long, so if you're not up for that level of endurance it might not be for you.

This was an excellent game with a decently compelling storyline and some really interesting iterations on the base gameplay from the first game. Unfortunately, as has been pointed out by a lot of people, it's very short. I don't have a problem with short games in theory, but if you're getting this for full price, you should definitely be aware of that.

This was a great game and a lovely little sequel for Persona 5. Obviously it's not as good, but they had some great ideas, especially for the final boss. The only problems I came across was a surprisingly steep difficulty curve right at the start, as well as some slow loading times, at least on the Switch version. Still a good time if you're not above tweaking the difficulty level a bit though.

I adore this game. It's short but really compelling, the dialogue is very well written, and the atmosphere is perfect. Cannot recommend enough for story-based adventure game fans.

I've got a real love-hate relationship with this game. The story is objectively bad and dumb but damn if it isn't a good time regardless. Fallout New Vegas is better in almost every way but I have a soft spot for this one nonetheless.

This game's soundtrack is good enough to build a game on. Nuff said.

This is an odd little prequel, and not quite on the level of New Order, but it's still an entertaining time. I found the design of the final boss in particular to be quite a unique take on first-person shooter encounters.

This is a solid shooter with all the violent Nazi-killing action it promises, as well as a surprising amount of heart in its portrayal of the game's resistance members. A good time all around.

It frustrates me to no end that walking simulators have such a poor reputation, and this game is an excellent example of why. The story is beautiful, and the game design truly elevates it. What Remains of Edith Finch will frighten you, mystify you, startle you, make you cry, and make you laugh, and I strongly recommend it.