This was awesome! Every Era has something cool and interesting to add gameplay wise and most are the perfect length! Several have multiple endings too!

Kingdom Hearts II is a great example that a game can have several annoying aspects or sections but still be amazing based off of vibe and a good finale. Second visits to each world could be pretty annoying and yet it still never lost me, because the game never fails at feeling engaging in both gameplay and especially in its story and characters. A genuine, absolute joy from beginning to end even despite the annoyances I have with certain sections. Maybe one day I'll come back to fight the superbosses, but for now I look forward to seeing how the games progress from here for myself!

Damn it's a shame I wasn't able to get to this last year this game is pretty fantastic! I love being able to play as both Spider-Men, and the fat was cut a bit as far as side content from the first game, making the process of 100% pretty smooth and more importantly more consistently fun! And my god the story for this game is some peak shit, amazing ending too!

I haven't played this game in years but it holds up just as well as ever and is a great comfort game

This game is so fucking cool I had a blast with this. Really love the characters and the story was more interesting than I had anticipated

I fell off FES fairly late into the game so I was excited to finally finish P3 with this remake, and it did not be any metric disappoint. This game has fully reminded me of everything I about Persona after bouncing off 5 Royal a few times and very firmly places itself, at least currently, as my favorite Persona game, with themes and and an ending that I haven't stopped thinking about since I finished it in the wee hours of the morning. Fucking phenomenal, and the Episode Aigis DLC will be a minute 0 playthrough for me.

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This is a wild remake. It adds a lot of character to characters both previously explored and unexplored and changes the story in meaningful ways. Unfortunately I think this game does falter in places, primarily the fact that several sections feel really unnecessarily padded out, Chapter 17 being pretty especially bad with that. That all being said I do really really enjoy this game, and I'm unbelievably excited to see what Rebirth has to offer whenever I eventually finally get to it

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Snappy and pretty to the point, I like it! And to talk story for a quick second, I knew going in that the likelihood of Sonon surviving this game were slim if not outright 0 but god damn I wasn't expecting the context behind his demise to be frankly terrifying. I know some people hate it but personally I think including Weiss and Nero from Dirge of Cerberus is both hilarious and something I'm glad they did! I think the FFVII compilation stuff has concepts that deserved a fair shot in actually good games and judging by the fact Nero has one of my favorite boss fights in the game as a whole, yeah I'm quite glad they gave these characters another go!

I bounced off this game years ago but decided to give it another go now that my taste in games has changed. I've gotta say, this game is awesome! I don't think it's perfect but there is so much soul oozing from this game and it is just damn fun. I very much look forward to trying out Solar Ash and Hyper Light Breaker!

This is a great example of a sequel improving just about everything about the original. The already fun gameplay has been tweaked just enough to feel markedly better than the first game, the story kept me much more actively engaged, especially towards the finale, where I think the original Battle Network falters, and Navi fights are all around generally better, with higher highs than the first game ever had. Unfortunately I do think the game does have two notable low points involving KnightMan and ESPECIALLY FreezeMan. That being said this is overall a great improvement on an interesting idea for an RPG, and knowing the next game is supposed to be even better has me so excited to see what Battle Network 3 is all about!!

I'm surprised I wound up feeling this way, but I actually think this is a bit of a downgrade from the last game. Battle Network 2 just feels like the better paced game, has a larger scope, a frankly more consistently interesting story, and while Battle Network 3 has plenty of great boss fights, King Man, Metal Man and Bowl Man immediately come to mind, imo it has the least interesting final boss fight up to this point, and Bubble Man, which I find to be personally, my least favorite fight in any of the 3 games I've played to this point. It also has a general downgrade in level design across the board I think, but I can at least say, the latter half of the story is some genuinely good stuff, if nothing else, this game does deliver quite a bit of character interaction that I really really enjoy! But I also can't firmly believe that this game's story is wholly the best because there are several ways in which I think this game stumbles into pitfalls the prior game just didn't, especially when it comes to, for lack of better term, the stakes of the situation, I feel the final parts of Battle Network 2 more efficiently communicate the imminent danger in what is happening to the world than Battle Network 3 does, and 3 definitely should feel more important! I admit some of my feelings may come from playing this so soon after Battle Network 2, so knowing how generally panned Battle Network 4 is, I think I'll give it a good bit before I play that game just to give it the fairest shake it can get.

I started this game feeling it might be better than Mega Man 1 on console. Um, no. No that is not correct. While on a technical level I look at this game and am quite impressed at how the devs pretty faithfully were able to put console Mega Man onto a gray brick with double As, what the end product ultimately ended up being was mediocre at best and possibly one of the more frustrating games in the series otherwise. As much as I recognize the difference between the GameBoy and NES' ability to produce sound as well, I do think the majority of this game's soundtrack is pretty bad. That being said I will give the game, seeing as the main set of bosses all return from Mega Man 1 and 2, I was surprised to see Enker waiting as the penultimate boss, and I think he's pretty cool for what he is! Though I absolutely would NOT recommend this to anyone other than die hard fans and people just interested in seeing a series evolve.