And so he spoke, and so he spoke
That Lord of Castamere
But now the Reigns weep o'er his show
And not a soul to hear

I think Kirby and the gang are really cool characters that are unfortunately limited by this weird game design. These 2D Kirby games just feel too easy, and it's not because the lives are basically infinite, or that Kirby can fly over everything in the level - it's because the difficulty curve found in the majority of games is simply gone here. The game doesn't get any harder as it progresses, and that makes it all get stale and boring fast. The story is solid, but everything about this game is as generic and safe as possible. Forgotten Land was the new bar and I expect everything to come after to meet that level of fun. This game gets a pass though because, you know, it's 12 years old.

It's a solid conclusion to the trilogy that is Half-Life 2. It's probably as good as Episode One, but with the inclusion of Gnome Chompski I feel encouraged to rate this one a little higher.

I like the idea of multiple endings less than the idea of redoing the same final level four excruciating times in a row to see all of those different endings.

Weirdly, I enjoyed my time with the game, but rating this above a 4/10 seems way too forgiving. The gameplay is unfun chores mixed with mostly unfun arcade machines. There's never enough time to do what you want to do, and the story progression is painfully slow, to the point that I'd be SHOCKED if many people have seen it to completion.

But, I have no hatred for this game. I don't know if it was just the frame of mind I was in at the time, but I liked it enough to play over six hours if that says anything.

I always write a review with the number score, but I can't for the life of me come to say anything about Slapshot: Rebound. It's 6-player PONG with extra steps.

It's fucking hard but it's also kind of a masterclass in level design, so I will CONTINUE TO SUFFER! (and you should too!)

Silly. Cute. Bullshit Achievements. It's alright.

I completely forget this game the minute I stop playing it, but for what it's worth, it's fun enough despite how insanely basic and repetitive it is. The Mii Maker is top-notch, cutting-edge technology, that should be transferred to a Tomodachi Life sequel IMMEDIATELY!

Just like any good dessert, it's short and sweet. It's a great follow-up to a great game.

The description of this game has the audacity to compare itself to Memento, Rear Window, and The Shining?? I mean, sure, there's a polaroid, a window, and the Shining carpet in the hallway, but there's not enough here to replicate the impenetrable tension of The Shining, the calculated spatial awareness of Rear Window, or whatever Memento has (I haven't seen it). A video game adaptation of Groundhog Day, or the horror-equivalent Happy Death Day, is not a satisfying game mechanic! That is, unless your goal is to make the player feel like Bill Murray when he commits toaster-bath. Everything about this is stiff, unpleasant, and unsatisfying. I'm tired of hearing and doing the same thing over and over to get a slightly different punch in the face. Willem Dafoe is this game's only saving grace, because hearing his beautiful voice reminds me of movies I'd rather be watching. James McAvoy and Daisy Ridley doing American accents does the opposite: They make me realize that I'm doomed to listen to these tap-water drinkers for the rest of eternity. Unless, I just don't finish this game...

A platformer where you get to play as 2015 Markiplier?! Come on guys, this game is genuinely good!

Despite how little gameplay there is, I find everything about Coffee Talk to be charming and cozy! They create and capture the vibe of a fantasy midnight coffee shop perfectly, and fill it with a small cast of varied, but mostly likeable characters. Listening to people's problems and offering them a delicious warm brew is something I never knew I needed, but enjoy immeasurably! Also, the challenge mode makes up for the lack of gameplay in the story.

I absolutely adore the pixel-y graphics, and everything else is pretty good and wholesome. There's not too much to analyze, it's just a pretty short gator game hike.

There is so much room to grow, but for Kirby's first 3D experience, this is truly a great start!