As someone who very much likes Getting Over It with Bennett Foddy, this game is an abomination

No Zuko, No Timmy Turner, No Jimmy Neutron, No Squidward, No Luigi, No Subspace Emissary, No Goku, No Markiplier, No Minecraft Steve, and worst of all: No Spencer from iCarly. This game is a massive failure, and I hope Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl 2 can right this game's wrongs.

I still prefer Persona 5 for it’s refined gameplay and flashy visual style, but I’m extraordinarily happy that this was able to surpass my expectations. The central characters are fantastic and have P5 beat, while the side Social Link characters are noticeably weaker. Adachi was a little too obviously the killer, which is a little disappointing, but the true villain twist made up for it by being so well integrated into the narrative and equally unpredictable. The dungeons got stale and repetitive, but went by pretty fast so I didn't mind at all. The story was simply GOLDEN, but this franchise doesn't seem to miss with these stories. It says a lot that I burned through this whole game in only a months time! Not even TOTK has that luxury!

This is once again a top ten game for me, and I can't wait to play P3 Reload when that comes out!

What the hell was wrong with me when I played this for 2,560 hours????

It's a fun game with a lot of silly elements that make it cute and easy to breeze through. I think the movement could've used a little work, as unlike the similarly hat-themed Nintendo 3D-Platformer that also came out in 2017, you reach a point in the the move-set where you realize it can't be wielded in fun and extraordinary ways. In simple terms: It's limiting. The modding community is fantastic though!

It's a crime to not play this in VR

Weirdly, I enjoyed my time with the game, but rating this above a 4/10 seems way too forgiving. The gameplay is unfun chores mixed with mostly unfun arcade machines. There's never enough time to do what you want to do, and the story progression is painfully slow, to the point that I'd be SHOCKED if many people have seen it to completion.

But, I have no hatred for this game. I don't know if it was just the frame of mind I was in at the time, but I liked it enough to play over six hours if that says anything.

Very charming and cute game! The gameplay lacks some variety, and the open world isn't as exciting to explore as one might hope, but the game has just enough content to keep you engaged for as long as you would want to play the game.

Edit - I've come to realize that I actually MISS this game after completing it so I'm bumping the score up, it's truly a wonderful game don't let my nitpicks fool you.


I gotta give credit for the fact that the game held up to my expectations. Who would've thought? The game known for being amazing was amazing! However, FPS games aren't really my style, so as much as I enjoyed myself, I was ready for the game to end 10 hours in. (Which it didn't) No matter my stance, you should play it, because you will love it.

It's fucking hard but it's also kind of a masterclass in level design, so I will CONTINUE TO SUFFER! (and you should too!)

This was the Subspace Emissary before the Subspace Emissary. I played this so much as a kid, but after playing through the entire thing again as an adult, I realize that it's actually surprisingly good?! Like the platforming is fun, the cutscenes are great, the music slaps, and the roster of characters is solid! The ending is extremely rushed and unsatisfying, which is a massive disappointment, but I'm shocked that everything else was as fine as it is.

Oddly, I never cared for the Galaxy games as a kid, so I have absolutely no bias for this games quality. I don't feel bad saying that the Comet Observatory is an overrated and boring hub, or that there's a dozen stars that are simply not fun to get. With that said, I can see why it's universally loved. The soundtrack is perfection, the level design is perfection, the gameplay and pretty much everything else is perfection... I'd say it was a perfect game if it wasn't for all the small things that annoyed me. So accept my 9/10 and move on.

Replayed it today for it's 5th anniversary, and I just gotta speak my peace about this game. To me, it's a masterpiece. No, it's a miracle. Growing up on Super Mario 64 made me CRAVE for another game in the same vein, which Galaxy and Galaxy 2 didn't deliver in my opinion. When Super Mario Odyssey was announced, I cried tears of joy. When it released I cried tears of joy. When I played it for the first time on Christmas Morning, 2017, I wept.

Here I am, five years later, and I teared up at the opening title screen. The Cascade Kingdom Music, the First Moon, the Odyssey taking flight... it returned to me all of the overwhelming emotions I felt in 2017. The endless amount of fun, creativity, beauty, and charm that this game has, is unmatched in my gaming experiences, and there will never be a point where I get tired of this game. It's just perfect. Happy Birthday you beautiful fucking game.

For a game where the only promised gameplay is that you walk down a corridor, I can say with absolute certainty that you do in fact walk down a corridor.