Most stylistic and by far the best gameplay comparing it to persona 3 and 4.

Palaces were all memorable and interesting to run through, the puzzles for the most part were interesting apart from the final dungeon which was just a pain in the ass with the colours.

Music I don't think there's anything to be said, it's fantastic although I do think persona 4's was slightly better.

Social links are the strongest and most interesting across the board as well,

My only gripes with Persona 5 is it just felt really really long to get through, there were times where I'd just get frustrated because it felt never ending. A loooooooooooooot of cutscenes, Ann and the pedo teacher social links are really bad as well.

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Out of persona 3,4 and 5 it has the best music and in my opinion the strongest group of characters/dynamics between them out of the three.

Obviously looks a little bit dated but still charming nonetheless. Gameplay for me ranges from okay to good, not the biggest fan of the dungeons but the combat, social links etc are pretty good.

Story wise I was a bit meh on it, I didn't find Adachi to be that compelling of a villain but the TV world and the impacts on real life was really interesting.

Art style holds up decades later, the setting is really unique and can be fun to explore but fuck me is the sailing tedious and that tingle part which cost a million rupees lower the score for me