Very fun game until the last stage which really lets it down, whoever decided it was a good idea to make you fight four bosses back-to-back in cramped rooms on one health bar and no checkpoints needs to have the shit kicked out of them.
I was originally going to try and get all the endings but after that last level, no thanks.

Postal 2 for redditors.
All the offensive humour and political satire has been replaced with le wacky randemness ecks dee and completely misses what made the original Postal 2 so good.

Style over substance, quantity over quality, while the game is gorgeous to look at and has tons of content, it feels like ass to play.
This is legitimately some of the worst-feeling drifting I've experienced due to it somehow feeling too stiff and too sensitive at the same time which leads to the weakest speed-boost imaginable making the whole act of drifting unsatisfying, not to mention how drifting slows you down considerably and how long it takes to even build a speed-boost making the whole thing feel pointless and you just have to accept that 50% of the time you'll be off-road.
The rubber-banding AI is worse than Mario Kart Wii and results in a frustrating single player experience.
Some of the track design is completely baffling, there's tracks which will sometimes just tell you turn around 180 degrees after an automated section, there's tracks that slow you down to break walls, there's tracks that just have you stop to ride an elevator and then there's tracks full of 90 degree turns back-to-back which with the awful drifting is just incredibly annoying to play.
Oh they also managed to fuck up shortcuts by making them only accessible via speed boost items rather than rewarding people familiar with the tracks and who are able to reach them.
The game feels like a clusterfuck of mechanics that feel situational at best aside from the ring mechanic which feels like a band-aid for the awful drifting and the amount of time spent off-road, the only time you'll use the spin-dash is at the start of the race and when you're stuck on a slope because they made it so that if you're going too slow, you just can't get up slopes, amazing.

Overall, just play SRB2 Kart, I really don't know how they screwed it up this badly.

While I don't find it as charming as Tekken 2 nor do I think it has as good of an atmosphere, Tekken 3 is easily the best Tekken on PS1, still feels great to play, attacks have a satisfying weight to them and have some real oomph when they connect and it just feels way more responsive than the previous games.
I miss this era of fighting games when you had a bunch of bonus modes and unlockable characters, helped to keep people like me invested and actually put in the effort to play the game as everyone.

Getting there but still a bit stiff, really charming though and Kazuya has to be one of my favourite final bosses in any fighting game.

I'd say this aged like milk but this came out AFTER Virtua Fighter 2 which still plays great to this very day.

I feel like this is just one of those games you had to grow up with in order to enjoy it, this was my first experience with a Tony Hawk game so it didn't take long before I got filtered by the stiff controls and awful camera preventing me from actually being able to perform the tasks, I got to downhill jam and gave up.
Great soundtrack btw.

One of the greatest shitposts of all time.

Another one in the series of "games you thought were awesome as a kid".

When you really like a game as a kid but then you play it as an adult and realise it's just mediocre shovelware.

Testing out PS2 games to figure out which ones to get rid of to free up shelf-space.
Yes it's crap.

The Tekken 4 of the Virtua Fighter series, an experimental game that didn't gel with fans and became the black sheep as newer games abandoned its innovations.
As a casual player I had fun though.

A collection of the two "oh yeah those exist" Street Fighter 3 games, in my opinion they have way better music and presentation than 3rd Strike but the gameplay isn't as good.
I will never forgive Capcom for replacing Good Fighter with Kobu.