Fist of the North Star but with more wacky bullshit, it's great!
Combat feels like RE4 mixed with DMC with more of a focus on countering enemy attacks and crowd control rather than making stylish combos, it's incredibly hard but very satisfying to learn and the pummel actions never get old (though they did absolutely destroy my arm with all the mashing).

One of the greatest shitposts of all time.

While this fangame is great and had a lot of effort put into it to make '06 a much better experience, at the end of the day it's still '06 so the level design is full of weird, annoying gimmicks and repetitive enemy rooms.
Don't get me wrong, overall I'd say I had a good time with it but it's held back by being Sonic '06.

Pretty much spent three years of my life on this game, Angry Whale Encounter never got old.

Another one in the series of "games you thought were awesome as a kid".

Game is very good for the most part with a simple but satisfying combat system making it easy to pick up and play, showing that you don't need a bunch of flashy moves and combos to make a fun and engaging gameplay loop in a character action game, unfortunately it's let down by lacklustre level design with chunks of level literally being copy-pasted several times within the same stage, long levels towards the end of that are full of insta-death bottomless pits (no checkpoints btw) and the boss fights generally suck, especially the final boss which after about an hour of struggling through I gave up on, sure being able to one-shot bosses feels incredible but it just ends up with you waiting around until enemies spawn and then you fighting with the janky lock-on, hoping it doesn't lock onto the boss before hitting the boss once.

I really wish this game would get a remaster or something that addresses these issues because I genuinely think with some tweaks this could be a top tier action game.

While I don't think the Big Shell had as much personality as Shadow Moses Island and the bosses were generally a step back from MGS1, I think additions such as first person aiming made the gameplay more engaging and I'd probably say the story and themes were better and especially thought-provoking nowadays.
I'd probably say I prefer MGS1 still but this is just as good and even better in some ways, an absolute must-play.

Very much a guilty pleasure, sure it's kinda weird and jank but it's got so much charm, a bunch of cool character designs, it has the goddamn cast of Final Fantasy 7 playable, a load of extra content to unlock, a bunch of minigames and a whole-ass dungeon-crawler game included because why the hell not?

I'd take this anyday over the absolute slop fighters that get released nowadays.

One of my guilty pleasures, it's total ass but a fun way to pass five or ten minutes.

A GameBoy Castlevania game had no right going as hard as this, especially after the previous GB outing but this game kicks ass, try it out!

Alpha 1 is a guilty pleasure for me, sure it's got a small roster, it's blatantly unfinished with recycled stages for over half the roster and competitively it's a broken mess but I just love how it feels, how easy to pick-up-and-play it is with the combo system, the amazing Alpha-era art, how god damn good the music is and the game has a really cozy atmosphere, Sonson Market... home.

The slice-of-life scenes dragged a bit this time since I didn't think they were that entertaining or engaging and they already did the bait-and-switch in chapter 1 but I really liked the murder mystery theme of this chapter and I think Rena and Ooishi really got to shine here towards the end.
I wasn't a fan of the ending but the atmosphere, the feeling of dread and the climax at Mion's house were all great.

Rena best girl.

This is one of those disappointing sequels that's ultimately fine but a step back in every way from the previous game without anything new to make up for it, just play 4 (personally Revolution is still my favourite).

I may come back to this later because it is solid but I just wasn't feeling it.

Very impressive for its time and I think it's fun when it actually works but the framerate makes it borderline unplayable at times.