Better than bloodborne lmao team b based

Worst gameplay on earth, cool characters and story.

Worst gameplay on earth, cool story and characters.

Overrated game.

Not bad, not great, just decent. Bland gameplay, bland story, bland characters and social links (also shit design cause almost every female social link is considered romance and can't do social links with male main cast for some fucking reason). The only good thing about this game is soundtrack and ending.

Worst soulslike game made by FromSoftware

I can't believe people praise this game so much when designwise it's inferior to other soulslikes:
-forcing players to grind for bullets and vials,
-boring and cryptic quests (like in every fromsoft game)
-stiff parry system, even if you parry the attack you still can get hit
-recycling of enemies on par with pacman
-bonfires from demon's souls, so you can just travel between locations and that's it (why would they remove basic features from first dark souls game?)
-some bullshit bosses like bloodstarved beast that are just fucking annoying instead of challenging
-hardest boss of this game, absurdly long distances between bonfire and bosses
The only postive things I have to say about this game is trick weapons design, so that every weapon is more or less useful and locations are pretty cool. Can't say anything about story, cause I never gave a shit about a story in fromsoftware games. I really don't understand how people could shit so much on Dark Souls II. It had some flaws but it still was a solid game and actually IMPROVED upon some features in previous games, rather than downgrading them.
I guess being a mediocre game directed by the great lord of foot fetish Miyazaki means much more than just being a good game. I have a feeling that Sekiro is a game Bloodborne tried to become

bad game 2 but not made by yoko taro so it's slightly better

"Bad on purpose"
It's just shitty game with awful gameplay, music composed on 3 trashcans and metal spoon. I'd rather listen to 24h of MRI sounds, because this ost is just that but somehow worse. Plot and characters with no value except for shock value. And that "bad on purpose" is the most retarded argument I've ever heard about. Whether the game is bad by accident or on purpose, it's still fucking shit. I don't get it why yoko taro has so many fans when his every game, except for automata, is a piece of shit.

Boring, pretentious game. Boring ass gameplay, combat, quests, mediocre plot, ok characters and good soundtrack. In order to see all endings you have to finish this shitfest thrice. Also, game forces you to read the most uninteresting walls of text multiple times. But fans are gonna defend this game like it's second coming of Christ, even though it's just barely playable game.