Blister through this title so you can get to one of the best RPGs ever made.

Easy to get lost in, but infinitely rewarding to.

Right before they pummelled the franchise into the ground. This was the golden-era to be a COD fanboy.

The tightest Halo multiplayer has ever been. The story had it's moments too, albeit mostly forgetable.

Don't trust my review, I think this game is near perfect. God of what? God of Who?

Nowhere near as bad as reviews have you believe.

Tight and satisfying combat, Bungie spec story, let down entirely by a lack of anything to do.

The first two hours are incredible, and then you've seen it all before.

No one can convince me this game has anything of value to offer past the 50-hour mark. Once you've played the campaign, run through all of the expansions and the raids, there's nothing to do but torture yourself slowly.

More fun to watch others play well, than to play poorly yourself. Though there's plenty of genuine moments of immersion and terror as you skulk through knee high grass.

Fun to play with friends who have committed their life to the art, while you demo other players and talk smack in the chat.

A masterpiece that's best remembered fondly and not actually played.

Just as bad as Counter-Strike, but with more creative ways to suck at it.