Of all the shiddy horrors I've played, this is certainly one of them.

New Blood games just don't miss. Think Hexen meets Heretic 2.

Rouge-likes just aren't for me, I don't appreciate the procedurally generated level design, and I don't like restarting from 0 after hours of gameplay. Everything else about this game was incredible. If you're a fan of boomer-shooters and the rouge-like genre, go eat.

Shiddy horror, carried by your three other friends. If memory serves me correctly, this one has the most ear-piercing jump scares that you couldn't turn down.

They should rename this Golf With Your Enemies. (Play with collision enabled)

It was over before I could fully realize what was going on.

Mindnumbing, but not in a good way.

Please just stop making these games.

Funny physics, but the puzzles are often solved by one person as the rest are wrestling.

Fun despite itself. Almost the videogame equivalent of The Room, almost.

The less you question, the better.

Came at a time of boomer-shooter fatigue. Incredible visual style, just plagued with boring enemy types and uninspired level design.