I suck at fighting games and this is no exception.
But Ultimate is incredibly fun and its multiplayer so incredibly refined. Single player lacking but to be fair this game is not really made for what I want in a Smash game as a subspace emissary fan.
It's for every fan of every video game and I can appreciate that a hell of a lot.

When I first picked up this game I didn't really get it. I thought it was too hard and a bit samey. These are misconceptions I had for two reasons. The first was that I was terrible and only making it as far as the 2nd boss.
The second is that you NEED to play this game co-op. Once you do that you will have a fucking amazing time with this. Its difficulty becomes so much more forgiving but still ever present.
It's not necessarily as refined as other rogue-likes out there but if you are looking for an incredible 2 player adrenaline rush that can be between 2 minutes-2 hours, this is it!


god damn I need actual gear to play this. I kinda want to cos the campaign seems pretty great. Way better than Dirt Rally. Switch doesn't even have analogue input though so no chance.

Literally only a multiplayer game. To be fair it is a very very good multiplayer game. But that is all you can ever and will ever enjoy about it.
Oh and the music is pretty good.

Similarly to Pikmin 3, this game does so, so much with its music that is indicative of the entire art forms potential for dynamic and diegetic composition. So much I couldn't begin to explain it all.
I would rather keep this simple and say a short hike is something you can only experience once, for better or for worse. You will get a hell of a lot out of that first playthrough but remember it will end...
So make the absolute most of it. Short as it may be, it is quite breath-taking the journey.

I'd say it's outclassed by NL but these older games were something else entirely. The series went in more wholesome direction which is fine, but I miss being told how ugly I am by villagers and yelled at by my boss.

I ever so slightly prefer this to NH.
Villagers have a lot more to say and they actually give me small quests and social activities so there's always something to do even if you think you're bored. As a result, I never got as attached to my NH islanders as I did to my bois here. Keaton is still my favourite. I could never work out what gender they were but I had a crush on them regardless.

Among the first wave of truly incredible indie games from the 2010s. Absolutely surpasses the vast majority of NES platformers it is inspired by and ended up inspiring even more great games after it. All the character DLCs are brilliant, they play completely separately and tell entirely different stories; Shovel Knight is the archetypal hero story with a few clever twists, Plague has a romantic comedy, Spectre is a tragedy and King is a hilarious buddy adventure.

This was the first indie game I think I played, other than Minecraft of course. So obviously I love it.

In the past 3 years, I've felt I have been losing interest in all video games and growing out of them. I played a lot of titles this year and I have begun to feel saturated and exhausted with them after minutes.

This has not only been the most meaningful experience I have had in several years but is the only thing that even comes a close second to Celeste. It is not to say it is the second best "video game" I have played in my lifetime: It is the second most meaningful THING I have witnessed in my lifetime. AND ITS A FUCKING DOOM WAD.

Happiness has to be fought for...

When I was a kid I beat this game but hated it so much. I burnt the cartridge to a fucking crisp in a campfire.

Although I never owned it, this is technically the first game I ever played. Good start.
On a recent replay I realised how great it actually is. It's short and sweet but just open enough in design and with just enough secrets to keep me coming back to levels. More than anything though this game is incredibly weird and wonderful. There are whole videos out there describing the ludicrously dynamic sound design.
We'll probably never get another Wario platformer since they only make the minigame collection thing now. A damn shame...

I have not played this in so long there is no way I can rank it. I miss it a lot.

Single-handedly started one of the best genres in the industry, but only when it's done as well as this. Some titles do surpass it now and my only real major criticism would be the quite wonky aiming and swinging. Other than that it deserves all the praise it gets for being so influential, while it can be overshadowed, there are a slew of inide games on steam that don't even come close. Didn't sell well when it released and I like to think if it did the series would not be in the state as it is now. Apparently Dread is good though so I'll try that one day.

Terrifying, especially for a GBA game. Also ridiculously challenging. Will return when I have the balls.